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Can't forget cheating gf...

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Broke up with gf that was cheating on me. Tried to fix the situation, she wasn't sorry at all, just angry that I accused her of cheating although she was caught redhanded. So we broke up by my initiative.

Felt very upset and lost, but also relieved at the same time, cause this was dragging for some time.

Deleted all photos I had with her, threw out a memento from her, deleted her from FB, her contact number.

10 days after the break up she called me, we talked for about half an hour, updated each other lives, but didn't talk about what happened nor did we planned to meet up or get in touch. Btw during this call she was talking cheerfully (before and after I found out that she was cheating, she used to talk angrily and seemed uninterested).

More than month has passed since that phone call, and we didn't contact each other at all. But I can't stop thinking about her all the time, and it drives me crazy. one time when I was quite drunk I wanted to text her and tell how much I still love and miss her, but somehow I resisted the urge.

So there it is. I can't move on. A few days ago I found out from our mutual friend (who btw introduced us each to other) that my ex gf called me and she hoped that I will start text or calling her afterwards after that phone call (not sure about that, because when she was cheating she didn't want to meet up nor see me nor talk to me at all, and was always repeating one phrase: "if you don't like it - break off with me). And now it drives me crazy, as I don't know what to do and I am confused, but also can't forgive and forget her, because she wasn't at any least sorry for the cheating.

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She wasn't the least bit sorry for her cheating so why on earth would you want to text her how much you love and miss her? Do you know how crazy that sounds?


You can't get over someone that quickly. You need to completely cut her off dude. Go total NC, and tell your mutual friend that you don't want to hear updates about her any more.


Keep busy, get some new hobbies, have a great life! Eventually you will move on but it takes time and effort. You can't just do it overnight.

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Realize that you want the GF in your head back -- the faithful one who you loved. The reality is that she is a self centered cheater. You don't actually want her back. You are in love with the idea of being in love. You don't love her.

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OK, here's the deal...:


You can have her back, but part of the deal is that she is allowed to cheat on you from time to time, and you can't be angry about that, because it's part of the contract. Deal or no deal?


She wasn't sorry at all, and the only reason you know it is because you caught her red handed, so she is a liar too... With that reality, the best deal you can have is - you being her primary male, among other males she will have sex with, and maybe short affairs... while you're waiting for her at home


Do you still want her?

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Thanks for you replies guys. Yes, I'm still in love with her, with old her, when everything was ok, but step by step I'm overcoming it. I don't want to be manipulated by her. I could forgive everything except for cheating. Read up some posts from other guys as well, and only backed up my opinion, that cheaters rarely change.

That deal that was mentioned, made me laugh as I imagined myself in that situation and well, would it suck to be in such a relationship.

Proud of myself that didn't contact her at all. Overcoming my depression, and life seems to brighten up bit by bit.

Thanks again!


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It will get better but NOt if you have anything to do with her. She had no remorse for what she did, was just pissed she got caught. That is your description not my opinion . You need to stop trying to figure out why and tell your friends you do not want to hear anything about what she says, and no more meet ups. And if you get drunk stay off your Damm phone.

Time will heal this sound and you will feel lucky you caught her

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Brah you'll find out, a chick doesn't respect a guy she cheats on, especially if she's not even apologized for it. What she wants is a patsy, she thought all she had to do was just call you and you would bust her phone down trying to get her back..it almost worked didn't it?


No one said it's easy to move on, especially after being cheated on, but believe me it's better to hurt while healing than to get into another round with her and live with the doubt and lack of trust.


You're showing you respect yourself more.

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