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Separation Agreement-what do you wish you had known

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I thought it would be easier to start a new thread for this topic. I'm in the process of drafting a separation agreement. My lawyer is a very nice and fair man. We've already met to discuss my situation and sort through major legal topics but rather then charge me to sit down and go through each element of a separation agreement step by step, he has given me a worksheet/checklist to work through so I can put down my wishes and bring him a rough draft. Its cuts down on the amount of back and forth we'll need to do and keeps costs down. He's available via phone or email for any questions.


I know what my wishes are for the major points such as custody of the children, division of assets, etc but I have had a few friends who have been through this telling me they wish they had done this or added that.


I thought I would ask here if anyone can offer any advice or words of wisdom from their experience with a separation agreement.



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This kind of thing can vary greatly depending which jurisdiction you're in.


In which country and/or state are you?

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