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Male friends daughter turns psycho

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I have been friends with a man for four years. When I met him he told me he was separated and that he had two children. We stayed in touch as friends as I moved but we never romantically involved.


However I have started to receive stupid phone calls and texts msgs from his teenage daughter accusing me of having an affair with him and threatening me. I phoned my friend and told him about it. I was furious as his daughter is phoning me at all hours in the morning. She has threatened me with gangs etc.


I told my friend I want nothing to do with him ever again as I don't know what is going on with his family. However should I ignore this teenage idiot and hope she comes to her senses?


I explained to her that I have my own b/f and we are together three years and her father is nothing to me outside of a friend. I rarely see him anyway.


Should I take this serious or see it as the rantings of a hormonal immature girl?

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Tell her that making threats is an offense punishable by jail time and if she doesn't quit, you will call the police on her. Reiterate that the 'affair' is in her imagination only and then tell her to lay off or else.

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Originally posted by BettyBoo

I told my friend I want nothing to do with him ever again as I don't know what is going on with his family. However should I ignore this teenage idiot and hope she comes to her senses?

No. If you ignore this teenage idiot you teach her that threats of violence to others shall be rewarded with getting what she wants. Call the police right now tell them that you are afraid for your safety because of the threats made to you. Keep calling the police everytime the teenage idiot threatens you in any way until the police arrest her or she stops.


Calling the police may seem harsh but what she is doing to you is nothing if not harsh. The next person she threatens may not call the police they might just take matters into their own hands.


She may be a ranting hormonal immature girl or not. It doesn't matter, what matters is that she get help and you get peace. :)

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Originally posted by moimeme

Tell her that making threats is an offense punishable by jail time and if she doesn't quit, you will call the police on her. Reiterate that the 'affair' is in her imagination only and then tell her to lay off or else.


I must disagree; threatening to call the police is a very big no-no. If you must call the police on this girl, do so without warning. I see no reason for a grown woman to threaten a teenager, or to have to explain the actuality of such a ridiculous situation to that teenager.

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I'm always for one warning before taking any actions, unless the situation requires immediate steps to prevent further harm.

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Faux, some teenagers are ridiculously unaware. She is only sixteen and may think she's some sort of tough broad. It's only fair to give her one chance by warning her.

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