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The fling while she was away...

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OP, have you gotten yourself tested for STIs and HIV? Sure, her current issues may not be infectious but that certainly does not mean she hasn't exposed you to anything. Some infections lay dormant for a while and aren't detected through a simple swab. Ask for a blood test too.


And I am sorry to rain on your friend's advice, but I think it's foolish. Hang around if you like and continue sleeping with her, but don't think for a moment she won't be sleeping with other guys too. She's already showed you she's not too concerned about what you think and you don't register too high on her list of priorities. You're still her back-up plan, her accommodation and her bank account. She knows this. You claim she knows she can't take advantage of you but she is already is. You just can't see it because you want to retain some control here. She may not love the fact that you are scoping out other girls, but her jealousy won't last long. There weren't enough feelings there to begin with.

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This girl is playing you like a fiddle. You can't even see it.


If this is your idea of a "dream girl", I'd hate to see what a nightmare looks like for you.

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