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27 and giving up on ever getting married..

Summer Lovin

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I wouldn't advise a man to marry a woman under the age of 27, so there you go...


Also, if you're looking to develop meaningful relationships and connect with people, don't move to NYC. This is a great place to pursue a career, luxuriate in money, and pay way too much for way too little. You can date a Caribbean man Monday, have sex with a bull dyke Tuesday, and have your rear end paddled by a politician on Friday, but it's not the best place to find a husband.

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You're 27 so realistically as far as marriage goes, it's far from now or never. Sounds like you're going on a lot of great adventures so keep having fun and exploring the world. If a long term relationship is a goal for you, definitely take the initiative to meet some guys and socialize with new people.


Honestly, I don't even want to think about getting married until I'm at least 30. Marriage is risky for everyone but especially for couples in their 20's. I'd wait and rather marry the right person at the right time than to rush to get married before my friends and then be divorced by my thirties.


Good luck

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I'm 33, been married twice... It's not all it's cracked up to be. Sure it canbe nice if you have a great relationship, but if the relationship isn't great of course the marriage is gonna be even worse. Don't be embarrassed, there are people much older than you who are in your same situation. One word of advise though?... You gotta have confidence. It draws people in. I'm not even kidding. If you love yourself,other people will love you too, and want to get to know you. Be social. Be beautiful. And most importantly, be yourself.

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I'll post a reply, maybe it'll help "cheer" you up.


I know of two cases of people who married when they were in their early/mid 20's. Deeply in love. Both divorced at 28-30.


They were depressed for about a year. Then, they got over themselves and forced themselves to go out all the time. If they weren't doing something that didn't make them feel "just a little" uncomfortable, that meant they weren't trying hard enough.


Both now found partners WAY better for themselves a couple years after trying much harder to just go do things. Not desperately seek people, just go do things. Both are now happily married. Both are starting families.


Like you, they thought they were done with at your age. Now they're laughing and loving life.


I'm in a similar boat to you. You know what I've done that's made me happier? I've FORCED myself to get the F out of the house. Minimum, absolute minimum, twice a week go out somewhere you've never been before. New experiences, new people, new place.


I promise, people don't bite. They'll welcome you.


I don't even give a rats a$$ if I don't meet my future partner. I'm still happy because I'm meeting awesome people!!! I'm making new friends and connections that have given me so much!


Go do it. It's hard, it's unpleasant, it gets you out of your comfort zone but you will never regret it. You'll regret sitting around moping, that's for sure.


I said 2 events minimum, but so far I've been averaging 4 event a week. It takes a lot out of me with a full time job and other hobbies, but it's worth the dark circles under my eyes. :D

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