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Where do you go to meet men

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Local supermarket


Petrol Station

Walking the dogs


Going to concerts

Going and getting involved in activities

Through charity work

Through friends and family

Through sports activities...


Look around you. There are men everywhere.


Trick is to talk to them, be friendly and open to conversation and find out if they are nice or not.

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Men are everywhere. You don't have to rely on conventional means of meeting men, such as dating sites, bars, or clubs. You can find them at supermarkets, during your commute if you use public transportation, random stores, even walking on the street. I've chatted up women before in all these areas. Another way is also asking friends or co-workers, since both you and the man can be vetted to each other through the intermediary party.

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Go and get the tyres checked on your car... Customers and staff included just been surrounded by 15 great looking blokes of various heights, weights and styles.


Nice on the way to work this morning to have a bit of eye candy! :D


...and they gave me a cheeky discount with out my asking. Nope I don't have make up on today!!! :laugh:

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