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Always had anxiety...


Just realized I have OCD.


I think it's inherited, something my dad does when leaving the house is checking the locks 3-4 times.


When I feel anxiety I click my toes. Sounds stupid. I have to click my big toe and index toe. 3 times each side, then one for good luck. Wtf? Never realized this. Started watching this show on a and e called 'obsessed'. Everything makes sense now, has to be OCD.


Never knew why I did it, it's never been harmful, but I knew it wasn't normal. Apparently it's somewhat of a ritual.


I stopped doing it 5 years ago, don't know why, just thought it was a weird habit. Then started having panic attacks, never tied the two things together. I have started clicking my toes again knowing it's the key to my anxiety.


I'm worried. This will progress to something else?


Need assistance.

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I feel you here and I've dealt with both. OCD is just another subdivision of anxiety. They walk hand in hand.


Have you seen a therapist about it? I've been doing CBT and it's been working great. My anxiety is under control and so is my OCD.

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Something you may consider if it's legal for you is pot. It's an incredible plant that has helped several of my friends with anxiety. Research a bit on Google if you are unsure about using it.

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I would go get it checked....I did (suffer from anxiety, even with really stupid stuff like going to a place I've never been before...etc) and what I was given really helped. Also, I agree with the above.

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