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i want her, she wants me, complications though

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hey thanks for reading my post. i was real good friends with this chick freshman year, she was real chill and honestly the most interesting person i've met. she's a hottie too. anyhow i never asked her out bc i wasnt sure if she felt the same way about me, she was always so conservative and never a touchy feely kind of gal.


so when i met this girl beth at a summer camp where i was counselor, we hooked up and i started dating her... the other girl i was friends with, her names kelli, she got pissed i guess and stopped talking to me (?). yeah so i figured

just let her be, time to get over it or something.


anyway so beth cheated on me... but my friend introduced me to this cool girl anna and we started dating. i still felt badly about kelli so i apologised to her, plus i still kinda have feelings for her. i always did, but she's so uptight most of the time i dunno how to express it. we have a lot in common and been through a lot together. so after i apologized to her everything was cool i guess, but i did something apparently she got pissed at again (i guess shes pretty high maintenance eh?) and stopped talking to me. so yeah suddenly she comes out and says she has feelings for me recently. and that she figured out she loved me. and i can't dump my current girl, what does she expect you know. but i still have feelings for kelli.


but if i start dating her it means basically no partying for me, no seeing other chicks, and i still wanna do that, i'm still young you know? i wanna keep her around bc i kno eventually shell make an awesome mom, and i have talked about kids and stuff with her, but if were just friends then thatll be too hard on me... too tempting i guess. whenever im with her i really wanna hook up with her. but for real its more than just a sexual feeling its just the sexual is really strong with her. yeah.... so what do u all think about all this

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How do you know that once you start dating Kelli that you'll still want to date other women?

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yea thats my point i wanna keep her around until im ready & settled bc i know shes good... i dont want to hurt her bc if i date her now i know i will

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Let Kelli go then, if you want to remain with your gf. Don't string Kelli along for a possible future you might imagine with her.


How would you feel, if you decided that you wanted to settle with her, but she wanted to withhold sex for another 5 years? You'd feel as if you were asked to behave as an idiot to remain waiting for her, don't you? With your current mindset the answer would be yes. Unreasonable demand? Why do you want to life your wild years then, and want her to wait on you?


Be honest with her. As long as you and her are no couple in the true sense, you should not stop her with games or anything to find her Mr. Right or soulmate or whatever, right now. If you want a wild life style you risk that she ends up married to another man. And besides, she may be conservative, but that does not mean, that she would brush over your partying years with ease, don't you think?


Life is not what you want it, when you want it. Choose either to date Kelli, and find out if you are suitable to each other, and if that would give you another perspective on matters, or stay with Anna, and risk that you lose out on Kelli.


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yea this is hard as sh**, i really love em both but i guess ill stick with anna bc shes been with me thru a lot now, given me stability.


maybe ill meet kelli later on down the road, who knows.. i did tell her that we may meet again in the future.... she IMs me now and then to talk but i havent to her bc i dont wanna lead her on.


i told her to move on and date other guys tho it was really f****in hard, but i know shes a stubborn gal and said she really just loves me so maybe she won't. i guess i do run that risk...

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How do you know that she really loves you anyway? She *did* leave you that one time that you mentioned!

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