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Another long distance relationship

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I have wanting to say so much but I just have troubles figure out well how this works.. So I am trying.. I think this is my third post..


I dont know why I feel terrible today.. I am literally upset.. I think of him most of the time. I went to tears, I couldnt help it..

It has been 2 months of NC.. We were long distance relationship. It was him travels all the time to see me. In the process of grieving I met a local man when i went for short vacation.


Though he helps me a lot (he doesnt know that) in forgetting my ap, I am also contemplating if I should pursue this new relation with him. I would be meeting him soon but what is next after that? I have no reasons to fly all the time. So does him.. Its really hard.. I dont know what kind of relation is this without meeting.. I anticipate that if we dont meet and just a daily conversation it would get bored and daily calls and texts declining and eventually none.. And unofficial NC? I cant help myself thinking this way.. I am so scared..


I would want my ex AP to reach out to me..Would there be any chance..sigh...

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I absolutely think you should get into another relationship but NOT with someone long distance. You need someone near you that you can talk to and spend face to face time with frequently.

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