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Is hitting back harder and in anger assault too?


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I don't think women nor men should hit each other. If a woman slaps a man and his reflex is to hit her back, even if he isn't trying to hit her twice as hard it is going to feel twice as hard because his hands are bigger and stronger than hers. The best way to fight is with words and both genders need to keep their hands by their side. It is not cute nor wise for women to slap men or vice versa.

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I would never hit a woman unless it was self defense but if a woman hits me I am not sticking around for a second time. It is grounds for me ending a relationship.

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OK, but you contradict yourself


yet when placed in that very situation




So in your eyes, it is OK for men to hit back harder, but then surely they risk being branded a wife beater, no?


Please listen. It doesn't matter if he hit her back with a feather. If a guy hits back he's in deep $h!t period. My point is this. keep your hands to yourself and you wont run the risk of being slapped.


I don't hit women. Never have and never will but there are guys out there that feel that if you hit them, then they hit you and their going to hit harder to send a message that if it continues you'll get hurt so before anyone decides to take that first swing..................Think because if you don't you could be asking for more trouble then you ever thought.

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Please listen. It doesn't matter if he hit her back with a feather. If a guy hits back he's in deep $h!t period. My point is this. keep your hands to yourself and you wont run the risk of being slapped.


I don't hit women. Never have and never will but there are guys out there that feel that if you hit them, then they hit you and their going to hit harder to send a message that if it continues you'll get hurt so before anyone decides to take that first swing..................Think because if you don't you could be asking for more trouble then you ever thought.

Exactly and precisely. The only time I've ever hit a man was in self-defense when some creep came at night out of nowhere and wouldn't stop following me nor making sexual comments. I hit him with my keys (full force) right in his face and ran. I didn't care in that moment and just strike with what I had.


Otherwise, nope I've never hit just to hit or gotten into petty fights. This makes sense. Not every man is taught like you and some actually are as smart as a walnut (exactly the size of a crocodile's brain); they don't care.


What he and certain people here are simply trying to say is why risk it when you don't even know who you're going to end up dealing with. Some men are dumb enough to think that equal rights = we're physically equal to men.

Edited by Editbee
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Please listen. It doesn't matter if he hit her back with a feather. If a guy hits back he's in deep $h!t period. My point is this. keep your hands to yourself and you wont run the risk of being slapped.


I don't hit women. Never have and never will but there are guys out there that feel that if you hit them, then they hit you and their going to hit harder to send a message that if it continues you'll get hurt so before anyone decides to take that first swing..................Think because if you don't you could be asking for more trouble then you ever thought.


Please listen.

I have never hit a man and do not intend to, because I think it is wrong to do so.

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Please listen.

I have never hit a man and do not intend to, because I think it is wrong to do so.


And so do I . No reason or excuse to do it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A great violence expert, Gavin de Becker, has a nice quote that I like:


"Men are afraid women will humiliate them. Women are afraid men will kill them."


All I know is, my dad would hit my mom back twice as hard and he beat us kids. Maybe he was afraid we were going to bruise his ego? :sick:


He died alone. Well, in the very end my sister helped him but I didn't.

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What he and certain people here are simply trying to say is why risk it when you don't even know who you're going to end up dealing with. Some men are dumb enough to think that equal rights = we're physically equal to men.


I think men who use that line know very well that women are almost invariably smaller and weaker than men. It's more about "you want equality? Okay, I'm going to punch you like a man."


Don't get me wrong. There are certainly areas in which I have a great deal of sympathy for men, and feel they can get a raw deal. And I think women who slap men with an attitude of "you can't hit me back...I'm a woman..." are beyond repugnant. However, I also think that men who take the "I'll hit you back twice as hard" attitude are repugnant - and fully deserve whatever charges they incur for assaulting another person to their injury. The only acceptable reason to use violence is to defend yourself - and even then, it has to be reasonable. It's not reasonable to react to a push or a slap by knocking somebody unconscious.


At the end of the day, in a "he said/she said" situation the evidence investigating authorities are mainly interested in relates to physical signs of assault. If one person is completely uninjured, and the person they claim attacked them ("so I had to defend myself, and I'm entitled to do that..") is bruised, scratched, has fractures or other injuries, those injuries are going to be the most compelling evidence - and it's unlikely that any reasonable person will accept the "I was just defending myself" excuse in a situation like that. Indeed, I think presenting that as a reason would just make the person who caused the injuries look worse. People are likely to think along the lines of "you haven't a scratch on you...are you seriously trying to say this small, weak person was such a threat to you that you had to cause injuries like this?" It'll compound the impression of them being abusive in a "victim blaming" way.

Edited by Taramere
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Unless it's true self-defense, to defend yourself from further attack, I see no point in hitting someone back at all. I’d think that getting away from that person permanently would be the goal, not engaging in a fight.

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