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Approaching a girl who is working?

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Hey guys I need some help. I found a girl on Tinder and she caught my eye. I found out her through her profile that she works in some internet cafe. I would like to know her and possibly bring it further but she doesn't even know I exist and I do not want to come off as creepy. Is there anything I can do? :(

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Can't do that on Tinder. Only way I can think of is to FB her but on second thought maybe I should go to her workplace and talk to her, kinda like make myself known first? How bout that?

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Can't do that on Tinder. Only way I can think of is to FB her but on second thought maybe I should go to her workplace and talk to her, kinda like make myself known first? How bout that?


No, approaching someone you've never met before at their workplace is a terrible idea and you should never, ever do that. It will definitely paint you as creepy.


FB is not optimal, but still a much better idea. On the other hand, maybe you should be trying to meet women via other means than Tinder.

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Haha Tinder isnt really my source of looking for women. My friend just introduced it to me and i just happen to find her on it, not exactly using it for anything else.

About going to the store, I don't think i am just gonna go in and talk to her, cause I read around and saw some suggestions of being a 'regular' so that she knows you and then take it from there. What'd you all think?

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