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he did it to me and is doing again to others..


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ok. i did a bad thing, but should he get off the hook for all his obligations. he is married. i am not. i had a affair with him over a several month period. during that time i loaned him money. what a fool I was. apparently he was following a pattern. i was recently was made aware of .michaelhindmanisaloser.com should i add my 2 cents to hers? she is angry. i understand her anger, but he is getting away with it again.

he never paid me back either. i'm over him, but the pattern is disgusting and he is making and breaking promise after promise. thx...

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I couldn't help but to notice that the site in question references the LoveShack boards in the 'infidelity' forum. If this isn't your site, is his OOW posting here? Is he? Is his wife? Interesting...


My advice? Walk away. You won't get your money back, most likely. If you are in doubt, call a lawyer and get some legal advice on what to do. The wife will not be sympathetic with any of the stories on that site. BS's generally don't see the OW as a wholesome, concerned victim - mainly they'll see the 'wronged' OW as taking revenge when she can't take the husband. The concern on that site doesn't strike me for being done for the good of the BS, it looks primarily like punishment of the MM for having been dumped. In this case - you can bet if this guy is going down, W is going to want to take out the messenger(s) too for what they've done to embarrass her by exposing her husband and all of his personal information, not to mention sleeping with her husband behind her back and then making it a matter of public internet humiliation. The H will get his, but I can bet you she is going to want the OW to pay, too. You'll want to be cautious, and stay out of it if you want to stay out of the line of fire.


She will have to be faced with the horrible prospect of having people in her community stare at her in pity, or wonder what she did to make her husband cheat, or worse yet - she'll suffer her own self doubt and now a public and humiliating pain. Do you know what will result? Blistering, volcanic anger. The target? The OW. Logical? Probably not, but you can bet the OW catches the brunt of the scathing anger when it comes to affairs. Don't believe it? Check out some BS boards some time.


Does this guy deserve what this site hopes to accomplish? Maybe, maybe not - but one thing is certain: the BS in this case will see you as nothing more than part of the problem, and none of your efforts to 'help' or 'add to the list' will be appreciated.


CYA, and leave the mess to other people.

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