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For all women cheaters or people that have been cheated i have a quick question. Do cheaters always "password lock" or hide their cellphones or they just let them around in the house unguarded, risking being caught? thanks and have a nice day.

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For all women cheaters or people that have been cheated i have a quick question. Do cheaters always "password lock" or hide their cellphones or they just let them around in the house unguarded, risking being caught? thanks and have a nice day.


I can only speak on my situation. We both had passwords on our phone but knew each other's. Never saw a need to guard my phone in my own home. He cheated, I did not. Not all people who cheat use a cell phone to do so.

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In my situation ..I did not know an affair was happening since I married him I never bothered with checking phones or anything (if password protected)..I don't remember him ever protecting his phone at home (during A) may be he was ..and I was just oblivious .... sometimes we shared each other emails so was under the impression everything was open....




Everything is open .. he keeps everything open in case I want to check .. I know all passwords to phone /emails etc..etc..

Edited by pheonixrisen
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Not a woman cheater but I can tell you something someone told me once:


Cheaters who don't want to get caught protect their cellphones with their lives. But there are those who are fed up with the marriage or relationship that they leave traces either on purpose or subconsciously lying around for it to come to the inevitable end.


Do a test. Ask your partner to loan you their cell to make a call because yours just ran out of battery. If they offer to dial the number for you before they hand it to you, red flag. If they look at you repeatedly while you are making the call, red flag. If they ask you to stop, or worse get mad that you started browsing their picture gallery , super red flag.

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Cheaters will usually password lock their phone, but that does not mean everyone who password locks their phone is a cheater.


Logic doesn't work that way.

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Many times the first red flag about cheating is that the wayward is suddenly on it all the time, adds a password, protects it like crazy (even bringing it to the bathroom), etc..


Other waywards are wiser and just make sure they delete all traces before getting home. During my affair (one that I undertook after discovering my wife's affair), I used a free email account to communicate with my AP and didn't link my larger mail inbox account to it. I had to use my web browser to log into their site and just put my web settings on "in private" browsing while I did it. When I was done, I turned off the in-private browsing. Thus, I could leave my phone out without a password and had no fear of any emails, texts, or notifications of any kind and even my browser history appeared undeleted without any trace of visiting the mail site. Some APs also just use separate pre-paid cell phones so that their personal phones are always clean.


All that said, cheaters are rarely that careful (unless they've been caught before). I had quite an education on the subject since investigating was how I caught my wife. Typically they do minimal cleanups, count a lot on the trust of their spouse, and eventually get lazy. Just being secretive about the phone can be a tip-off. But if they've been caught before, all bets are off. There's a million ways to hide communication and meet-ups. Some of the measures I've read about people taking (even while knowing that a PI had been employed to catch them) are astounding and successful.

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My a was before i had a smart phone. But I always kept my computer clean and never had any passwords my husband didn't know about.


Someone having a passcode on their phone they won't tell you is a a red flag. A passcode itself is just what smart and safe people do with their devices.

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Having a passcode would be a red flag to me if they wouldn't tell me what the passcode was. Also, I know people get attached to their phones, but if my SO was taking it to bed, the bathroom, EVERYWHERE I would be wondering what the heck was going on. Half the time I forget mine or have to spend 15 minutes looking for it before I leave the house. So yeah, having it guarded like it's an extension of your body seems odd to me.

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Having a passcode would be a red flag to me if they wouldn't tell me what the passcode was. Also, I know people get attached to their phones, but if my SO was taking it to bed, the bathroom, EVERYWHERE I would be wondering what the heck was going on. Half the time I forget mine or have to spend 15 minutes looking for it before I leave the house. So yeah, having it guarded like it's an extension of your body seems odd to me.


Totally 100% agree. My ex was glued to his phone and would not let me touch it, not even to check the freaking time! It was incredibly suspicious, and guess what - he was talking to like 5 other women.


My current boyfriend leaves his phone around all the time, asks me to read his messages out loud if he's driving - basically the total opposite.

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My ex who cheated locked everything down. Passcode, changed passwords to things he didn't mind me seeing before. Never left webpages open on the laptop etc.


It's usually an actual change that happens. I.E: When you first started dating no passcode, but now there is with no explanation.

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In my case yes, in fact this was the first red flag he was having an affair. He would also bring it into the bathroom and guard it with his life

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For all women cheaters or people that have been cheated i have a quick question. Do cheaters always "password lock" or hide their cellphones or they just let them around in the house unguarded, risking being caught? thanks and have a nice day.


I do not cheat and I have a password lock on my phone because it's MY PHONE and no one has any business rifling through it behind my back.


Unless someone else is paying that bill, their eyes do not belong on what does not concern them.


Seems to me that if it has to come to snooping a cell phone, there are bigger problems already going on in the relationship that one's gut feeling should be good enough to act upon.

Edited by kendahke
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I do not cheat and I have a password lock on my phone because it's MY PHONE and no one has any business rifling through it behind my back.


Unless someone else is paying that bill, their eyes do not belong on what does not concern them.


Seems to me that if it has to come to snooping a cell phone, there are bigger problems already going on in the relationship that one's gut feeling should be good enough to act upon.


Exactly! Everyone has a right to privacy.


If you feel the need to invade someone's privacy, then there is something already wrong with the relationship.

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Put it this way, my friend is not exactly the best and most loyal boyfriend out there. I know this, and he knows I know this. The other day his girlfriend said to me that she knows how to fix the answering machine on his phone but he never tells her the password to get into her phone. Ugh.........I thought. I mean, come on, I am almost certain there are naughty text messages on my buddy's phone but is this girl that naïve where she can't put two and two together? My friend doesn't want her seeing his phone. Period. How does she not see this?

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I cheat on my husband. My phone yes with password protected. For now it is safe as he cant access it. When things go south and demand to scan my phone that will be the end of me.. so now i am thinking of getting another phone-same phone of what i am using now.

Once I get that phone the earlier phone will be free from passcode. It may be troublesome to carry 3 mobiles but this to avoid further suspicions.

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I cheat on my husband. My phone yes with password protected. For now it is safe as he cant access it. When things go south and demand to scan my phone that will be the end of me.. so now i am thinking of getting another phone-same phone of what i am using now.

Once I get that phone the earlier phone will be free from passcode. It may be troublesome to carry 3 mobiles but this to avoid further suspicions.


How about avoiding further suspicion by NOT cheating? Just food for thought...

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I cheat on my husband. My phone yes with password protected. For now it is safe as he cant access it. When things go south and demand to scan my phone that will be the end of me.. so now i am thinking of getting another phone-same phone of what i am using now.

Once I get that phone the earlier phone will be free from passcode. It may be troublesome to carry 3 mobiles but this to avoid further suspicions.


Well, aren't you quite the prize?

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