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*** I need a Village; should I ask him out? ***


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I am scared and excited about this situation. Seventeen years ago, I met a nice man and we really seemed to connect. But, I changed my feelings for him quickly and we never really progressed into a relationship.


Over the years, I have run into him, but last year I saw him at a Christmas party and we spoke in the kitchen. He expressed to me his curiosity as to what had changed so suddenly back then. He continued with letting me know that he was always interested and felt like I was the one girl who really had it all together. He asked me why we never progressed. I replied that I just wasn't ready back then and that I am ready to meet the One now. Quite truthfully, I was not ready back then.


A friend came into the kitchen and we took photos with my phone, laughed and reminisced. Later, in looking at the photos, I saw something different between him and me and I was excited to hear from him. I have not heard from him, but just got his cell number from a mutual friend. I would like to text him and ask him to meet me for coffee, but I do not even know what to say in the text. All I know, is that there is something worth exploring and I want to, but I need help in what to say.


Thank you in advance for any words of encouragement!! I am very grateful.

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You have history which makes him gun shy. You turned him down once & he doesn't know your feelings are changing. You have nothing to lose & everything to gain by asking him out. I say Go for it!

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Thanks, Y'all!! That is how I feel. I am nervous that he will say, "No." But, I want to anyway.


I have no idea what to say. Any suggestions? Thank you!!

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I did it! I sent him a text to meet for coffee this week and I received a response that he had an emergency out of town, might be back Wed and would get back in touch with me. Then, he said, "Good to hear from you."


I am so glad I sent the text! Thank you for your comments!! I am very grateful!!

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