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Am I over-reacting about our friendship?


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Hey all, I'm just wondering if you think I'm overreacting to this. Here's the situation.


I'm a 21 year-old guy, and go to NYU, and am studying abroad this academic year. I recently came back to Michigan (my home state) as my school abroad has a 3-week spring break. It was one of my best friend's 21st birthday (to me he's a best friend, at least), so I went to NYU for a week or or so to celebrate... I stayed over at his place (he shares with 3 other guys).


Over this past year, he met a girl, and he suggested I tag along with them to a bar on his birthday night. It was weird with his girl, but it was a good night, I think. But I'm more concerned about Thursday night. It was my last night in NYU, as I would be going back home to Michigan on Friday. I had hoped we could have hung out on the town, seeing it was my last night in NYU and all (I won't be back in NYU, nor see him for another five months). But then his girlfriend came by his place. He went to a bar with her, got drunk, and didn't even come back the next morning, leaving me at home with his rooommates.


To be honest, I'm really hurt. If it was any other night, I would've brushed it off with a laugh, but seeing it was my last night for a long time with him, I thought we could have spent some time together. Now I've talked with two friends of mine (both guys), and one has suggested I talk to him about this, and one says I'm over-reacting. But if I do talk about this, this could strengthen our friendship, or he might take it the wrong way and we won't be talking to each other again.


I guess I'm somewhat jealous, since his girlfriend is taking all his time. But he didn't even make an effort to spend some time on Thursday night with me. He's pretty casual-going, but I had thought me being there for his birthday might have been somewhat special...


Any thoughts?

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I don't think you are overreacting at all I think you should talk to him about it and let him know. He might not have realized that it hurt your feelings. If he doesn't speak to you after you tell him, then...and I hate to quote an old parents saying but...then he wasn't really a friend to begin with. In my personal opinion when you are best friends with someone you are honest with them even when it may hurt them.


Talk to him about it and see what he says..it can't hurt.

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I don't know why people are so afraid to talk about concerns they have with friends or even relationships. My moto is if you can't communicate then things are in trouble from the start. I would tell him your thoughts and discuss it with him. If he blows you off then he wasn't a friend to start with. If he is concerned with your feelings but was just caught up with the gf then you can give him a break. Talk to him about how you feel.

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