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My LDR is ending because we don't see an end in sight

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My LDR of almost two years is most likely over. We're about 500miles apart but see each other every month.


We communicate all the time (skype, text, phone, etc) but lately, we've been fighting more. Conversations sometimes become boring and we both end up frustrated (this never happens in person)... And I think it's due to the fact that we can't come to a concrete agreement for an end to the distance.


We both want it to end soon but she doesn't think she's ready to move. She wants to be more financially stable before she moves. We also can't decide where we want to move.


Should I just move on and accept that fact that this is over or I should I try to make it work?

Edited by knick9mm
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If you can't wait for someone you love, I can only guess what can come next. And it's not positive. Just move on.

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Have either of you even looked for a job near the other one? If not perhaps that should be a 1st step.



It makes some sense to be financially stable before a move but there is an element of faith to any move.

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