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6 year relationship went horrid..need advice bad

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K well if there is anyone with advice please help me cause im sure like everyone else getting very scary thoughts at night. Well after being with my girl for 6 years she broke it off. We started dating at the age of 17 and shared the most special moments andyone can have with someone. We lost are virginity to each other and we were each otehrs first love and all that great stuff. Well things started going sour after the 5th year. I started working 50+ hours and was getting extremelly stressed at my job and would come home and take it out on her. Well after a year of this she dumped me. After 3 months of not being together she texted me saying she missed me and wanted to try it again but i needed to change i I of course said yes. Well after being together for 3 more months i started working again 70+ hours a week and even a 98 hour week once. The stress of not seeing her and my friends was unbearable but i needed to work cause money was tight. I was always taking it out on her. One night she said she couldnt take it anymroe and that was that and now 4 months later it hurts mroe then ever. HOw does someone get over somethig like this.

The reason im on here is cause one of her friends got on msn and told me she is complely over me now and moved on and i need to do the same. Well yea i need to move on but how could she honestly be over this. Now she lives with my old roommate who was my best friend, we dont talk anymroe and alot of my old friends i cant talk to cause she hangs out with them. How would handle this if this was you cause its tearing me apart more and more everyday and not getting better

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I feel sorry for your loss but you have to admit you brought it on yourself. If stress was the cause of your breakup you should have gotten help or took steps so you would not take it out on her. You had 2 chances and you blew both of them. She is probably not over you but her friend just told you that to hurt you. It really worked didn't it. You are just going to have to suck it up and take the blame for what you did. You might try checking into a anger management class so this will not happen in the future.


I wish you luck and hope you learned a valuable lesson that will benefit you later..

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i hear yea on that. It was my fault and i blame no one but myself for this. But yea i have gone to workshops to help witht his issue but i also quit my high stress lvl job cause it wasnt worth myself in a world of pain over. I just moved onto a not the best paying job but not alot of stress to get my life back on track. It just sucks u know

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