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The toughest one yet


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I have had a couple of relationships before that haven't worked out and naturally, I was hurt when they ended.


But six months ago, my boyfriend left me, and my heart broke that day. I haven't felt the same since. I know I am still grieving the breakdown of this relationship but I feel so alone. I've never had so much trouble getting over someone.


I think that may be because one of my relationships before him was abusive, the other was a jerk, but with this one, I had everything I have ever wanted in a guy. He (and myself included) would do anything for each other, and he was smart, good looking, funny, caring etc. we got along like a house on fire, but at the same time, he had things going on his mind that he was having a real hard time trying to deal with. i know for this reason, it's the best thing that we split up, but it was so unexpected him breaking up with me. it's almost as though i still haven't got that shocked feeling out of my system.


I know he loved me very, very much. I never loved another like him and I'm haing a hard time getting over him. We have not spoken since we split because I thought it would be too hard. I miss him so much it hurts. I feel like a total wanker for feeling like this.


Any advice for me on how to get through? Has anyone else had such difficulty getting over someone?


Thank you in advance for your advice. I would much appreciate it.

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