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Should I forgive her?

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there's this girl that i'm kinda friends with- actually it's more like aquantances- (we don't go to the same school) anyhow, recently i went online and someone started im'ing me online and they wouldn't say who it was, but finally i was able to figure out that it was this girl and she admitted that it was her and when i asked why she did it she said her friend made her do it, i said that i was annoyed and she apologized numerous times and asked if i hated her and then suggested that maybe she should stop sending me im's and i said that i wasn't so mad but she should stop im'ing me. now i'v been thinking, do you guys think i was too hard on her?

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The wonderful thing about these chat programs is that you can block whoever you want to. That way, you wouldn't have received her IM's anymore. Yes it was immature of her to keep bugging you without telling you. But since you had the option of blocking her, half the blame is on you.


If you're friends with her and you think your choice of words were too harsh, and don't mind her IM'ing you in the future (without trying to trick you of course), then go ahead and let her know just that. Or just block her name.


And yes, forgive her. You don't gain anything by holding a grudge. She didn't hurt or upset you so badly that you cannot forgive her for it. She was just being immature or wasn't thinking straight or thought you wouldn't get upset. Either way, she apologized and you have no reason not to accept her apology. (unless of course she continues to do this..but she won't if you don't let her in the first place by blocking her).


It's always much better to make new friends instead of enemies.

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You should always wait a few days to cool off before blowing up on somebody.


What she did was pretty insignificant in the scheme of things. It was childish and immature and probably an indication she is not ready to be a real friend to you right now.


But stay on her good side and let her play chat with her little friends who are on her mental level.


Perhaps she is just playful and doesn't understand the difference between proper and appropriate play and inappropriateness.


You should forgive anybody who wrongs you. The question is do you still want to have anything to do with her. Both forgiving and forgetting is for YOUR benefit, not the other person's. When you cool off, this whole incident will seem a little ridiculous. However, you have to decide if you want to continue interacting with this girl on any level at all.

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you're right half the blame is on me because i kept im'img her too. i have another question though, if i ever see her again do you think that i should acknowledge her or wait for her to approach me or just altogether ignore her.

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But it seems like you're making a really big deal out of this. The girl did nothing to even WARRANT her being forgiven. She was probably nervous about contacting you on IM, not sure if you'd even WANT to talk to her, so she didn't disclose who she was initially.......then you found out who she was, it's done and over with. She said she was sorry, probably felt pretty stupid, especially seeing how you made such a big deal out of it. Loosen your panties a bit......take a deep breath, if she contacts you again then TALK TO HER IF YOU WANT TO, if you don't, apologize and say your'e busy. If you never want to speak to her again, then BLOCK her. Simple!


thanks, so if i ever see her again do you think i should still talk to her or let her come and talk to me?
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Hi Mike,


I think you should be polite and smile at her and say hi since she's an acquaintance. But you don't need to carry on a conversation if you don't want to.

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I don't see any problem with talking to her, saying hello. I don't even see any problem with marrying her eventually if you decide to.


We all make mistakes when we're young. As we get older, the mistakes become fewer but each is much serious. We stop making mistakes when we die.


If someone consistently lies to you or hurts you, write them off and don't have anything to do with them. But this girl did it once. Be cautious, of course, but not that you've put her in her place instead of taking it like a wimp she probably has a lot more respect for you.


You will never meet anyone in your life who won't goof up or make an error in judgement once in a while. You have to use your own brain to decide if it's because of their age, immaturity or just plan meanness. The first two deserve a little patience, the third NONE.

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