Gunny376 Posted February 24, 2015 Share Posted February 24, 2015 I've just received a promotion at work to Team Leader at a Manufacturing plant. I am on the Second Shift, and my corresponding co-worker is on first. I've been warned about her, in that she will, after the second shift has secured, go through nitpicking any and every little thing she can, and run to the front office with it, even taking photographs with a "SEE! SEE! See what I have to deal with! Put up with! I know what the issue is? Insecurity and self-doubt, along with a good healthy dose of blame-casting about minor, insignificant issues. There's other things that should be considered before your responding as to how I should handle the individual. First? I'm in Alabama. Second I'm a WASP in a company that employees primarily (about 98%) black people, most that are marginally educated, just basic everyday folks just trying to hold it together one-day-at-a-time, until they find a way to get it together? They same could be said for the so-called white folks, and Hispanic people that work there? Just people trying to get through day-to day? I've considered going "Gunny" on her, as in going Marine Corps DI, which would be a mistake as she and the people in and around her most definitely aren't the military nor the Marine Corps type? I gave that .0000001 nano-seconds of thought? Wouldn't work, she'd blow a gasket and I'd get fired! LOL! I've thought about being patronizing as in ~ "Thank you!" Appreciate your input! Thanks, for letting me know?" I've thought about just blowing her off, as management already knows how she is? And I've been told I've just got to learn how to deal with her in my own way? Thing is? I KNOW how to deal with in a "Fight Fire with Fire" kind of way, documenting any and every LITTLE thing, building a in-depth, blow-by-blow, documented with dates, times, names, events, etc. Precision pin-point bullets and points. The Marine Corps coupled with a college education has honed such to a razor edge. In short? I know how to go DefCon I on her azz, and destroy her and her career? I know management, I know leadership, I know documentation, etc ad nauseam. She's a ranked amateur at best? She's never dealt with someone such as I? She's never had a pissed off Marine on her back? If push comes to shove? I will go in an hour before and critique and audit her until she begs me to stop. I KNOW procedures, I know ISO, I know I can bury her - in facts, dates, times , pictures, etc. I REALLY don't want to take it to that level, if I can prevent it? As I said its born out of insecurity? I'd just like some feedback from the Civilian side of the house? Any ideas, suggestions, insights, perspectives would be and are welcomed. Link to post Share on other sites
whichwayisup Posted February 24, 2015 Share Posted February 24, 2015 I assume they know 'how she is' but maybe go talk to your supervisor first, discuss how to handle her and if it would be appropriate for you to speak to her to lighten up and stop nitpicking. If you go "Gunny" on her (lol) she may react in anger and try to make your life hell, and be nasty. If she's been there for a long time and if she has people (management) on her side, you're screwed. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
applej4 Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 I'm in Alabama. Second I'm a WASP in a company that employees primarily (about 98%) black people, most that are marginally educated, What the relevance of this information? What point are you making here? Link to post Share on other sites
Author Gunny376 Posted February 27, 2015 Author Share Posted February 27, 2015 It is relative in the fact that as a leader, and manager that I must build a TEAM, with individuals that are different than that of my own Life experiences, comprehensions, perceptions, conceptions, education............... Team building is an arduous task that takes time, and requires the leader ~ manager ~ coach to EARN and gain the trust and confidence of the members of his assigned team. But most of all it requires the daily minute application of PATIENCE, COMPREHENSHION, UNDERSTANDING, ADJUSTING, ADAPTING, of not ONLY the Macro dynamic of the group as a WHOLE? But the same for each and every single member of the team. That requires time to not only gain their trust and confidence in and of them? I must work JUST as diligently to gain THEIR trust and confidence as their immediate supervisor ~ team leader ~ manager etc. To do so its necessary that I not only grasp the group dynamic of the composite individuals as a group? I must do so with each and every individual, and do and on-going daily application of the Five Functions of Management, the Seven Leadership Traits, The Fourteen Principals of Leadership? I could spend endless amounts of time, effort, and energy attempting to explain to them the significance of ISO requirements, SigmaSix, Quality standards and expectations. The application of Qualitative Analysis, statistics, etc. And their eyes would roll over into the back of their heads, but yet upper management expects me to accomplish the same with individuals who or in and for the most part are on the bottom tier of Maslow's Hierarchy. The company I work for is foreign owned and managed (Korean) and the rift in cultural ~ societal differences is light years apart? It is my job to mend and bring together the differences in this gap. Link to post Share on other sites
applej4 Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 That's a tremendous amount of double-talk and smokescreen, but doesn't answer the simple question that I asked. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
preraph Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 I think instead of trying to think of ways to manipulate handling her, you should put all your effort into doing your job thoroughly and not leaving things hanging that she has a right to complain about. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
CrystalShine2011 Posted February 27, 2015 Share Posted February 27, 2015 I think compiling evidence that points towards her incompetence IS the best way. Just keep building, but at the same time try to let the resentment go. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author Gunny376 Posted February 28, 2015 Author Share Posted February 28, 2015 Thanks for the replies, it was what I was seeking ~ the various opinions of others, not wanting to be blinded by singularity of perspective. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Gunny376 Posted February 28, 2015 Author Share Posted February 28, 2015 Spontaneously, during shift change, when she and I were doing a "walk-around" and had a pause, I just asked her? "So why am I suppose to be scared of you?" It obviously set her back for a moment, not expecting that? She responded, "Because I'm an azzhole!" I told her I didn't believe that, and that I just felt that she was very dedicated to her job, but while on the subject? That I to have been known to be one, and in fact knew for a fact that I was one and could be one? That I figured the World had all that it could handle, and that each day I got up, I set about to try and not be one for that reason. We had a good laugh, and then continued our walk-around. She pointed out various things to me, and how she approached things, and her perspective on things and how they should be done. I believe we've at the very least have opened the propensity for a on-going dialog, and I haven't any hesitations in being accommodating and complimentary to her and the people of her shift. I keep detailed notes on any and everything, ~ its just something that is second nature to me from my days in the Marine Corps. I acquired 5 d 8 cloth bound books with which I kept day-to-day notes, and I've literally have hundreds of them dating back to 1977! I can literally go back and tell you the name, exact times and dates of specific events. Its basic Marine Corps form of management and standards. "We're not paid to forget! We're not paid to make mistakes, we're paid to get it right the first time and every time!" And it IS very much a military "Thing" that most non-military wouldn't and don't understand. Having at LEAST open what I believe to be a honest dialog with (hopefully on-going that will be mutually beneficial to both of us) I still have little doubt that she'll be regularly throwing me under the bus with each and every opportunity? My current concern is that my twenty plus years in the Marine Corps is going to project me. Its (my time in the Corps) is part of me now, it runs deep in my blood, and to the bone. In short its second nature to me. This doesn't bode well for those un-accustomed to being around military little alone a Marine? The current place I work at had a 300% turnover rate last year!!!! This simply isn't manageable. So now I've got to find a way of stabilizing that at least on my assigned line? Link to post Share on other sites
Author Gunny376 Posted February 28, 2015 Author Share Posted February 28, 2015 I think compiling evidence that points towards her incompetence IS the best way. Just keep building, but at the same time try to let the resentment go. I don't think she's incompetent NOW. Indeed I believe she's very competent in and what she does. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Gunny376 Posted March 8, 2015 Author Share Posted March 8, 2015 Things are progressing well on any and all levels and my doubts have been set aside. Building rapport with my counterpart on 1st shift, and with my employees. Team building requires a LOT of patience, building and gaining mutual trust, etc. Been tested more than a couple of times, had to let one go who is totally clueless about just working ~ period. Sad, reluctant but she was bringing disharmony to the "Whole" of the team. Have to concentrate on the macro and the micro all at the same time. Have another one close to the one I wrote out, but I believe at this time he's salvageable, educate able, learnable etc. Just have to work with him and on him. He's just young, impressionable. My biggest concern right now is my "Keepers" the next level of leadership for the team below me? They've been without a Team Leader and have drifted off the reservation and deviant from the standard operating procedure? As I said, team building takes patience and time. Plan on going in early, off the clock if necessary to build better rapport, gain insight, knowledge, understanding, comprehension with my 1st shift counter-part. I've a LOT of experience in and with leadership, management but not with the status quo and uniqueness of the company I work with? I come from a long, long, long, long line of poor white people here in Alabama. The "Good Old Boy" network is still in full effect here, and is one of the primary reasons I left and made a career in the Marine Corps? I "Thought" things had changed in Twenty years or even Forty? I was wrong. Its still more about WHO you know than what you know? Who's you Mama and Daddy, what family you were fortunate to born into, or married into? The fact that I did twenty years in the Marine Corps, have four year of college means ~ NOTHING. Any advice as how to be a better person, leader, Team Leader, awareness,, comprehension , understanding, etc critical or otherwise would be greatly APPRECIATED. My goal is this: 1. Have the best ran line in the plant 2. Be the absolute best Team Leader for (a) the company and (b) for the members of my team If that means sacrifice on my part? So be it! If that means I'm in convinced so be it! I'm all about sweating, tolling, working, setting the example three times more than those that work for me or under me. Leadership by example! Any suggestions, opinions, criticisms, points of view appreciate! Link to post Share on other sites
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