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Dating a "Namaste" woman


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I didn't know how to quite put the title, but where I live...I think I found a concentration of single women (in real life , that I know through friends) that are of...I guess it's new agey-types? They always greet you with "Namaste" and...though, I don't think they refer to themselves as Buddhists though.


They spend most of their off-time at Yoga centers and their professions are either masseuses, Yoga instructors, or herbalists (or all the above.)


There is something rather attractive about these women, and some have even been attracted to me in the past. Usually because I think they see inner beauty, open minded, and non-judgmental. Also, they can be very warm people and loving people...at least that's the impression I get.


I could be wrong, (and this isn't a gender thing at all), but I seem to notice this in mostly women more so than men as it's a more feminine thing to follow this lifestyle? I could be wrong, but that's the impression I get.


Anyhow, is there some truth to this? What would be the advantages or disadvantages of dating these kinds of ladies?

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I think an advantage to dating one would be that you could also adapt a lifestyle of inner calm and peace, as well as fitness. You wanna be hooked on a feeling, right?


If you know one and are attracted, ask her out! Or join the place where they congregate.

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Just take up yoga! Good for the body and the mind. Namaste is a yoga thing I think rather than Buddhist. The light in me acknowledges the light in you..... Or something.


I guess it depends on if you are into the lifestyle or not?

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This just got ME thinking because I have a good female friend of mine that's into this lifestyle...she's engaged...I know her fiance'...real good guy, too.


Anyhow, me, her and her fiance' decided to go see this movie...and she said she'd be bringing along her roomate, too. NOT to set me up, she just wanted to tag along.


VERY attractive, blonde older woman, not much older than me, probably late 40's even. In good shape, bon-a-fide Yoga figure. I mean, I do my own workouts and such, but she was in pristine shape AND single/available.


We chatted a little, but not much as we were all walking away to the parking lot.


Later, I said to my female friend, as I kind of thought she was trying to "set me up" but she said she wasn't planning on bringing her along because she was attempting a "matchmaking" thing at all. In fact, she said we would likely not be compatible as she's not into sci-fi or a movie buff....(but my female friend is)...but she'll occasionally do so to get out of the house and be sociable.


Even mentions she's even MORE extreme than she is (my friend) when it comes to that kind of lifestyle, so she figured we couldn't be compatible whatsoever. Needless to say, that night wasn't a set up. lol.


But, meeting these wonderful people who seem at peace with themselves is very refreshing though. They actually appreciate friendship and fellowship. They are heartfelt.


Are they Indian or Hindu etc


Nope, quite a few are blonde haired, blue eyed. *shrug* go figure. I find that American people are following a culture that's born of Asian people. Is it because it's a trendy thing to do? They even go as far to change their names legally to something "Buddhist" . The woman I met at the theater goes by "Shiva" I Think. That's a bit extreme at that point though. Oddly enough, my female friend changed her name, then back to her original. I asked her why...and she answered something vague like, "I figured it was time." I was like "Um..okay." I was thinking, if you're going to follow some kind philosophy, at least STICK to it. I am wondering if the behavior in this lifestyle is gypsy-like in nature.

Edited by LookAtThisPOst
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I would say listen to your friend, she knows you and knows her friend plus she knows more about the lifestyle than you do.

She thinks you would not be compatible with someone with that lifestyle.

Incompatibility is a disadvantage in dating.

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Usually because I think they see inner beauty, open minded, and non-judgmental.


You should be a bit less judgemental about these women, just go and meet them and then you can decide whether you're compatible. Who cares if they like herbal tea and do yoga? Doesn't mean they expect their partner to do the same. ???

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Dating a "Namaste" woman, I'm not sure where to start.


Yoga is a vehicle to reach enlightenment, inner peace, and that sort of oneness that the universe is composed of. Practicing a few times a week will yield amazing mental and physical changes on every level of your being. That's Science. And it makes sense to make it cornerstone of any fitness plan. But there is a spiritual side, an energetic side (Which I won't be getting in to)


"Namaste," just means hello, don't get hung up on it. There are a bunch of slightly different translations, but really, it just means "hello." It's supposed to be a recognition of the higher-self in others- which is in fact the same high-self in ourselves (hence the oneness). When practicing yoga there is much meditation during, after, and whenever one can afford. Look at meditation like listening to a god, instead of praying to one. But you're god :o



Dating a person who practices yoga.. There are three kinds: Ones who use it as only a form of fitness. Ones that are actively exploring their spiritual awakening and using yoga as a vehicle. And ones that are just duck-lipped trend-followers. They're all pretty easy to tell apart and will require a separate technique as per.




or Namaste ~n****

and, of course, Aloha ;)



P.S. you can't do enough natural **** to appease a single one of em.

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I have had many friends who live this sort of lifestyle, for over 20 years now. It's not really a trend.


An interest and commitment to a more "eastern" vs. "western" lifestyle can affect everything from exercise to religion to diet and medicine and consumerism. People tend to take these choices quite seriously. Some are more moderate than others, but a "mainstream" person is often bewildered by the choices they make.

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Dating a "Namaste" woman, I'm not sure where to start.


Yoga is a vehicle to reach enlightenment, inner peace, and that sort of oneness that the universe is composed of. Practicing a few times a week will yield amazing mental and physical changes on every level of your being. That's Science. And it makes sense to make it cornerstone of any fitness plan. But there is a spiritual side, an energetic side (Which I won't be getting in to)


"Namaste," just means hello, don't get hung up on it. There are a bunch of slightly different translations, but really, it just means "hello." It's supposed to be a recognition of the higher-self in others- which is in fact the same high-self in ourselves (hence the oneness). When practicing yoga there is much meditation during, after, and whenever one can afford. Look at meditation like listening to a god, instead of praying to one. But you're god :o



Dating a person who practices yoga.. There are three kinds: Ones who use it as only a form of fitness. Ones that are actively exploring their spiritual awakening and using yoga as a vehicle. And ones that are just duck-lipped trend-followers. They're all pretty easy to tell apart and will require a separate technique as per.




or Namaste ~n****

and, of course, Aloha ;)



P.S. you can't do enough natural **** to appease a single one of em.



This!!! All this exactly!

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I have had many friends who live this sort of lifestyle, for over 20 years now. It's not really a trend..


I'm not saying yoga is a trend, I'm saying some people are trendy about it. Youtube "ultra spiritual". Lmao

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Some are more moderate than others, but a "mainstream" person is often bewildered by the choices they make.


Such as a legal name change from a western American name to an Eastern name?

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Such as a legal name change from a western American name to an Eastern name?


That's a kind of silly thing, but just the tip of the iceberg!

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Of all the women I dated, I enjoyed this group the best. Some are weird or obsessive to the point of nuttiness or dysfunction, but most are simply very in tune with themselves and others and try to live a healthy, peaceful life. They are usually thoughtful, intelligent, and informed, and most have been far better lovers as well.



I married one. She had done yoga for years, looks fantastic, had her own business as a kind of physical therapist and as a midwife, is an advanced martial artist, knows a lot about herbs and naturopathy, is warm, kind, and compassionate, and has rocked my world in the bedroom unlike anyone else I've ever met. She gets bonus points for liking sci-fi and being extensively informed about science and technology.

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I have had many friends who live this sort of lifestyle, for over 20 years now. It's not really a trend.


An interest and commitment to a more "eastern" vs. "western" lifestyle can affect everything from exercise to religion to diet and medicine and consumerism. People tend to take these choices quite seriously. Some are more moderate than others, but a "mainstream" person is often bewildered by the choices they make.


I definitely believe that, as with all lifestyle choices, it is up to you to decide if it jives with your own or not.


My guess, given the title of the thread, and the fact that you want the benefits to be listed for you is that, no...you perhaps should not date a woman like that as you will be coming from markedly different viewpoints.


If you want to try it then do so...if it doesn't work, then it doesn't. If you surprise yourself and find out it does, then great.

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I was told it means "I bow to the divine within you"


Also used as hello, thanks and good bye! :D


Go and try out some yoga classes... they are harder than you think!

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My area is chock full of these types, male and female.


My observation is that there are two distinct types of this sort of person:


  • Really wonderful kind people, or


  • People who are a bit lost and searching for any sort of identity to attach to and have decided to go for this identity in order to feel superior

How dating goes will depend on which category the individual falls into.


I have to say, though, going to great lengths to advertise their lifestyle is a bad sign, and usually points toward the clingers. In other words, if someone greeted me with "Namaste" and I was not in a yoga class or meditation center, I'd run for the freaking hills.


An easy test is to see how much advertising is happening, as well as to see how open-minded they truly are.


  • Someone with a kind and open heart would not be judgmental of those who do not follow the same lifestyle or value the same things that they do. A relationship with someone like this will be rewarding.


  • A clinger/poseur of the new-age nonjudgmental crowd are usually extremely judgmental people, they just conveniently disassociate themselves from it. Expect selfishness and emotional immaturity to follow after the honeymoon period ends.

So what I'm saying is: show up on a date with a Venti Starbucks coffee, talking about how you favorite hobby is to lay on your couch and watch episodes of "Keeping up with the Kardashians" and see how they react! :bunny:

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I believe that people that are extremely immersed in a specific type of lifestyle do best with others that are equally immersed in the same lifestyle. Going to the yoga studio five times a week is a far cry from saying namaste to people outside of the studio. Being a vegetarian is a far cry from being a raw food vegan, etc. Once something becomes a lifestyle rather than a simple interest or hobby, people will be most compatible if they share that lifestyle.

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There is something rather attractive about these women, and some have even been attracted to me in the past. Usually because I think they see inner beauty, open minded, and non-judgmental. Also, they can be very warm people and loving people...at least that's the impression I get.


In my experience with women that are into the whole yoga is they are open to doing drugs, while eating healthy. They appear to be warm, but they are quite judgmental because you have not embraced your inner god like they have, and very capricious too.

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"Namaste" has the original meaning of "The Sacred within me, greets and acknowledges the Sacred within you" but it is bandied around liberally nowadays, just as much as 'ciao' or 'hey' is....


It is predominantly used as a form of greeting, is commonly found among Hindus of the Indian Subcontinent, but also in some Southeast Asian countries, and diaspora from these regions.


Generally it is accompanied by hands held in a prayer position, and normally the gesture is just hands together at chest height, but some devotees of particular spiritual callings hold the hands first at heart height, then a the lips, and finally at the forehead.


The users of such a greeting can roughly be divided into two camps:


The first is of those who hold such spiritual practices they follow, in high esteem, and devote themselves as lay followers, to leading a wholesome life, in both Mind and Body. Sometimes, their dedication is reflected in their clothing, demeanour lifestyle, opinions and general attitude.


The second are rapidly exposed as a bunch of pretentious airheads, who follow certain practices but in reality don't have any clue why, except that it makes them look good.

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