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he doesn't want public photos in case his ex sees

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I predict this idiot will try to get you back, even though you've blocked him. He's certainly the type.


I agree with redglass. Been there, lived that in fact.


You need take the advice that someone else also posted: That he's dead to you now.


NO MATTER WHAT DO NOT respond to him or reach out. The guy's a total nut job. Erase all traces of him, and you in his life. Move on and don't look back.




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You're right. I've written somthing out but I'm not sure it gets the message across. I can't take feeling so undervalued! It feel hopeless. I've intergrated some of your replies so thank you, if anyone can think of a way to explain why this is so bad and why I can't be with him because of all this then I'd really really appreciate any more advice




why do you react to this? there you have the answer. because it is hurting you that he even consider to not letting people know about you because his ex might see it. you hear how crazy that sounds?. no matter if he loves her or not he is clearly trying to keep her in his life. do yourself a favour and tell him that you two are done. i would honestly see this as cheating in a way. because the odds of a guy cheating when doing this is pretty high. not saying that is the truth but he could very well be. what if he is dating someone else? maybe not sleeping with her but texting romantic messages for example. then he would be cheating with you against this girl.



look i am not saying that this happened but i bet it makes you start thinking right?. can you really trust this guy?. is it worth dating someone you cannot trust?

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Break up with him. A LDR isn't worth it if not both sides are 120% committed. You'll try to salvage this, but the mere fact that he expects you to put up with his ex-shenanigans shows that he's on a very different page and it's going to be near impossible to convert him into a loyal committed BF, over a distance too.


Sorry... I've been there too.


Agreed. Because this is a long distance relationship, you already have to commit yourself so much more. You just can't be worried about pictures and such, especially over the reason that has been given to you.


Things like this make a long distance relationship less legitimate, I understand. You want as much dedication and "ownership" of this relationship as you can get. Long distance relationships are challenging enough as it is.


People that are more worried about their ex, than their current relationship, are not taking the relationship serious enough in order for it to succeed. Period.


Exes can coexist with a relationship, especially when they need to (kids), but mostly exes are an injected venom working it's way through everything you hold dear about your relationship. It just says a lot about what the person is NOT willing to do for you.


The advice given is correct in my book.

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