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boyfriend's old female FRIEND not EX suddenly appears again what should i do?

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my bf and i have been together for about a year and half.....

We have been pretty much faithful to eachother. Just recently something happened that really bothered me. We were out swimming and his phone kept ringing, it got to the point that i told him just answer it someone is trying to get the hold of you. He finally did, and he sounded extremely excited to hear from the person on the other end of the line. He was on the line for a good 5 minutes. To my surprise he tells me we should go, i was like why? His response that and old female friend of his has showed up at his house. I guess from the expression on my face he noticed that i must've gotten really jealous, because he started to explain who this female was. So we went our seperate ways, he went home and i was really hurt i didn't say anything to him. I feel like he sensed it because as soon as his friend left his house he called me and told how good it felt to see her again because they basically caught eachother up with their lives. I haven't asked anything else about this friend of his.

so the next day i spent the night and his "friend" calls him again, and he speaks to her in front of me. its not like he's hiding her or anything. the only reason this bothers me is because she's an old friend that i don't know and i will admit i feel threatened by her. Am i being paranoid about nothing?

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It depends.....how excited is he ?


Were they intimate before ?


Are they just former friends ?


He sure seemed in a hurry to leave and get over to her......


I would keep an eye on this one....you never know.


Just so you wont be surprised if suddenly he has NO time for you and comes missing alot....

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No, they weren't intimate friends before they were just friends. She had her boyfriend (from the sounds of it she is still with the same guy) and his girlfriend at the time.

The reason he rushed over to his house was because its been years since they last saw eachother and they had lost contact. And i don't want to show HIM that im jealous by bombarding him with questions abou this girl because i think that alone can start problems.

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well i expierenced that same situation all i can say is dont get on him for anything dont act suspicious cause that will olny tempt a man or guy to go out and do something wrong if u really like or love him and the same for him trust eachother i know its hard but dont let jealousy screw something up untill u see with yo own eyz ok so play it cool and if hes doin somthin hell slip up a guy always slips up even the sly most slick and wicked get caught

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I don't really like that he didn't take you back to his house to meet her, but that may be nothing. Did he offer?


Anyway, it may really be nothing. If he starts talking to this friend on the phone every day about his deepest thoughts, and starts emotionally connecting with her instead of you, and/or spending lots of time with her in person that has to be without you, well, then I would start to worry a lot. Right now, just see what happens, and don't start acting too suspicious. As Danny put it, "play it cool" - for now - but keep watching discreetly.

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