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Like 2 girls that are my friends! Help!

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I will try to make this as quick as possible:


Girl #1: I like her (doh), but she just got done dating this one guy because she still had feelings for her ex-boyfriend, who she broke up with because he moved far far away and its been about 9 months since they broke, but they still keep in contact, and he hasn't said anything about the subject, from what she tells me. I have been hanging out with her a lot, and i was going to ask her out, but got beat to the punch by this guy(the one that she stop dating, and they weren't 'boyfriend/girlfriend'). So what should I do with that?


Girl #2: I have been her good friend for 3 months now, and recently i have gained this feeling that i just want to hold her in my arms and kiss her. I feel like she isn't attracted to me, but of course, you never know and i am not sure at all. She broke up with her boyfriend of 9 months about 3 weeks ago, and i know she is looking to date someone else, but still likes her ex-boyfriend at the same time. Should i try to ask her? Should i just tell her how i feel and then stay avoid her, so not to cause problems?


As you can see, i decided to start liking the wrong people. Both of them still like their ex-boyfriends, and i don't know how either of them feel about me. I have only been their friend for about 3 months at most, but i am still their friend. At the same time, i feel like i have much more to gain, but i still lose a quite a bit, also. And there is no definite chance in either direction. So should i ask them on dates? or should I tell them how i feel? or should i keep my mouth shut?

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dpends on how strong you want to keep their friendship. If you tell them how you feel and they freak out you will probably lose them as a friend. As a guy it is hard to be friends with a woman if you are attracted to them. You have to make that choice for it will screw up the friendship if they don't feel the same way...

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First step - decide which girl you like more for their personality. It is very strange to feel emotionally attached to two girls at the same time, I'm pretty sure you must like one of them more, or have a more relaxed relationship with them.



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