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Approaching guys! he's taking too long. PlEEASSE Help!

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There's this guy who I'm diggin at work. He is from Alabama and normally that country accent is well country to me but on him... I just love it. He's very outgoing and seems to know alot of people at work, which I like. But, I'm not sure how to approach the situation. I'm intimidated by him a little although I don't think I show it. I'm a very laid back girl and even though I know a good bit of people in our company I am very quiet, not to be mistaken for shy, but to myself is a better description. Anyway, he's kind of flirty with me (i have curly hair and sometimes he'll pick a curl and twirl it if he's behind me, if it's just me and him talking he stands really close like he wants to kiss me, he always messes with me when he sees me) but beyond any of these possible signs he's never initiated anything like he was interested. Oh yeah, he told me he doesn't have a girl. So I know he's on the market. I've been hoping that maybe he'll initiate something but he's taking too damn long. I want to ask him out possibly or at least give him my number and see if he calls but I don't know how to bring it up. Also, the past few weeks have been busy and other people are always around when I run into him not giving me a chance to bring anything up. What should I do? Any suggestions....plllleeeaasseee!! I really like him.



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No one from the work place go together drinks? Have anyone else you're friendly with there so you could suggest a night at the bar? If he comes then he may be interested.

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He works a different shift than I do. He leaves work at 10am or something. We do get drinks from time to time but he would probably never be able to come. I wish it were that easy...

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