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does God want me to remain single?

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Sometimes I wonder? I've tried everything. Online, different churches, set ups, new this, new that. But 12 years after a break up, I'm still single. I go date after date with men I'm not even interested in or like, and I guess it's because in enjoy the fact that they like me. But even that's empty. I know there's no future with them but I continue dating them anyway. Christian or not,it doesn't matter . Then it dawned on me, maybe God wants me to just be single and serve him. After all I have tried everything.



Is there a possibility? It may not be what I want but then, as I've said, I've tried everything.

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Sometimes I wonder? I've tried everything. Online, different churches, set ups, new this, new that. But 12 years after a break up, I'm still single. I go date after date with men I'm not even interested in or like, and I guess it's because in enjoy the fact that they like me. But even that's empty. I know there's no future with them but I continue dating them anyway. Christian or not,it doesn't matter . Then it dawned on me, maybe God wants me to just be single and serve him. After all I have tried everything.



Is there a possibility? It may not be what I want but then, as I've said, I've tried everything.


Don't yield control of your life to some imaginary agenda. Dating is tough. Have you tried meetup.com groups? I've heard good things and have joined a few groups. I haven't attended any meetings yet but will soon.


Why would some person online know what some god would want? You are not only yielding control of your future to a god, but now to strangers online!


You haven't met ANY men you even like in 12 years? I have to wonder why. Perhaps the problem is that you have issues that you have never sorted out. The odds of someone actively dating and never meeting anyone they even like is about zero. Have you tried getting some counseling? .. and not some church counselor but a real counselor

Edited by Robert Z
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How consistently and effectively do you interact with the spiritual world in matters other than dating and relationships? Do you find your spiritual center to be a peaceful and generally positive influence in your life? Do the conclusions resulting and choices made as a function of those conclusions work out well for you?


I believe your answers will come to you.


In my case, I haven't dated in the five years since my D and it feels positive and right. It's a happy and content place. That works for me. I trust my instincts and spiritual insight on such matters. How do you feel about yours?

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I was thinking about this and have wonder if deep down, you don't want to find someone.



I liked the second woman I took out on a date after divorcing. It wasn't going to lead to anything but I liked her.

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I am in the minority as I believe ultimately God controls everything. God didn't seem to consult with Adam before giving him a wife. I don't have any reason to believe God has changed since then.


I would say for me if God wanted me to have a girlfriend or a wife then He would be drawing a woman's interest toward me to where she would be asking me out on dates or asking me for sex or asking me to marry her. This is basically the spiritual explanation for why I stopped asking women out on dates a long time ago. I have spiritual and practical reasons. Do I feel at peace about not pursuing women? Yes. I believe that if God meant for it to happen it would without my encouragement.

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