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Need advice just met this girl she might have a bf.....

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well recently I've been in the coping/breaking up section because of a broken longterm relationship... now I have found a new girl that I am really interested in... She seem to be interested in me too BUT... my friend tells me she has a boyfriend... but she never talks about him or even said anything about her having a boyfriend... we always hang out during our breaks ( well this past week ) because I met her the week before when I started talking to her... o and yea trust me I'm pretty sure she knows I'm kicking it to her hehe...


Our conversation are great and everything seems to flow very well and I've been actually feeling a lot better because of her... I usually walk her to class and we just chat but well today when we were ending our conversation she gave me a kiss on the cheek, I was :love: ... btw: I just met herr remember this! I don't know what does this mean... what should I do?


maybe she doesn't say anything about her boyfriend or having one is because she likes the feeling of a guy having attraction for her and trying to get her?I don't know...


help what should i do??

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Ask her if she has a boyfriend. Make it funny - flirt with her one day and then say, "hey! I don't need to worry about some guy trying to beat me up because I'm flirting with his girl do I?"

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