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Waiting for tests and nervous.

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Hey all,


I am just writting probably out of nerves. I have been feeling a bit blah lately and its getting worse. I am pretty bad when it comes to things like doctors and do the stupid thing of ignoring a meriad of small medical problems that combined could be something serious.


I guess to a degree I felt each symptom was nothing to worry about as they were small things. As it turns out, you can only go on so long before someone else clues in that something isn't right. In my case it was my girlfriend. A few days ago she tallied up all the things she has noticed with me and brought them up. She finally said enough is enough and advised that I get checked out.


I realized that she was right and that I was playing with fire. I went to the doctor and had to undergo some tests. The doctor in his preliminary assesment has come up with a few conclusions. 1st one and least creepy is stress, 2nd possibility would be a kidney infection, 3rd diabetes and last but not least mono.


The one I know little about am most concerned would be mono. My girlfriend had mono 5 years ago and knows what its like to go through it. Untill the tests are proved negative she is taking no chances and won't kiss me. No worries I understand she wants to be safe and agree with it. When she had mono it took her out of commission for 5-8 weeks and her body is still messed up 5 years later. The only way to feel better with mono is to do nothing at all but bed rest. I think it would honestly mess my life up big time.


Anyone else had mono before? Wish me luck that its stress. I still have to wait at least 1 more day to find out how my tests come out.


Thanks for listening

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They didn't test your urine in the office to see if you had diabetes or a kidney infection?

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Yes I had blood and urine tests. I have to wait for those results. Its a bit nerve racking just waiting. The stress one is controlable, a kidney or bladder infection also can be fixed. Diabetes and Mono aren't as nice, but I guess I have to take it as it comes.

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Uh, Id be more concerned about the diabetes. Mono you can recover from. Diabetes? You cant. Its a life long problem, with tons of complications. But that is just me. Your girlfreind not wanting to kiss you isnt going to stop her from developing mono again. If she was going to get it from you, she would have already. Mono is spread VERY easily. NOt just by kissing. And every person has it dfferently. I had it twice, the first time I was so sick, not only did thye check me for diabetes, but they checked me for luekemia as well. The second time around, wasnt nearly as bad. I was just tired. I wouldnt worry if I were you, becuse it will intensify any symptoms that you may be having, especially if what you are expereincing is just stress.

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