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I have a problem, female advice needed

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I could use some advice from the ladies on this one.


Let first say that I am a reasonably attractive (You know you want me ;) ), decently dressed, fairly intelligent, and moderately outgoing.


I am a freshmen in college and I am having trouble getting a date (school is almost over now and I haven't had a real date since I left home). Things were a lot different in high school, basically if a girl liked you, people would tell you, and I felt confident enough to ask the girl out, and she would usually agree. But now I am half-way across the country, and going to a college with 5000+ students. Anyway, enough background. There is a girl in my class who I believe is interested in me. This girl is HOT HOT HOT, cuter than any girl I have been with, but definetly not out of my league. I have made flirty comments, and she has made some back. I have caught her looking at me during class many times (we sit next to each other). She makes me notecards and study guides to use on tests. She gave me her number, I called her and succeeded in making her laugh for most of the call. Three times I have asked her if she wanted to maybe go out to lunch/dinner/whatever, but she has declined both times because she had some prior obligation. I asked her to call me when she was free the next day, but she never did. Am i just being a pussy and do I need to be more assertive? I don't want her to get annoyed with me if she isn't interested, and more importantly I don't feel like wasting anymore effort.

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Maybe she has a boyfriend and just thinks of you as a friend. Or maybe shes really shy. Just a thought.





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If she's THAT shy, she's not worth the effort, unless she's really hot.


If she has a boyfriend, she should mention that.


But lastly, she declined without a counteroffer. She's not interested at the moment (you haven't created enough value yet; she may like the older guys, frat guys, whatever). I'd back off and let her make the next move.


Oh, but talk to a lot of other girls in your mutual class, that might get her to move.

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Originally posted by MrAnderson

I could use some advice from the ladies on this one.




This girl is HOT HOT HOT...but definetly not out of my league.


maybe she disagrees. :p

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Three times I have asked her if she wanted to maybe go out to lunch/dinner/whatever, but she has declined both times because she had some prior obligation.


Okay, here's what you have to do.... Ask her out farther in advance. How far in advance are you asking her out now. You've got to give her some time to plan. Many people, always have plans a couple days in advance.


You don't necessarily have to be more assertive, but you have to have a better plan! We women loooove a plan. So, ask her out in advance or let her choose the day. I'm sure she likes you otherwise, you wouldn't have gotten the number.

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