sittinontheinside Posted March 6, 2015 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Hi all. My story is I fell so deeply in love with my girlfriend in high school. I guess my high school sweetheart. We dated about 2 years and my mother kicked me out of the house and I had to move away. i was crushed and hurt. I looked nad looked for her. I started dating a girl that I liked and I ended up getting her pregnant and so I always wanted to give my child a family I never had so I married her. I do love her and still love her but are relationship had been rough for years. We are still married and have been for 8 years. We now have 2 kids together and I love them to death. I have been very unhappy with my marriage for years. I go to school full time I work full time and take care of the kids to give her a break. She has not worked since we have been married or done anything really. She doesnt help much at all. Honestly no dinner no clean cloths or house like nothing. I dont know if its because she is depressed or spoiled. We separated once for 4 months and I loved it the best time of my life. She wanted to get back together for the family she told me not to be selfish and so we got back together. I have told her a lot that if she doesnt change I would leave and she changes for a week or so maybe and then right back to the same ol thing. I have been looking for my high school sweetheart for 10 years and finally found her the other night. Sparks went off. I got up with her and she has been looking for me also. Said she never got married or had kids because she has always been hoping to find me. We are talking of course but nothing more. I love this girl so much but Im so confused and lost. I do love my wife but its a differet love than what I feel for this girl. I have honestly been wanting to leave my wife for years but always stay for her confort and the kids. Honestly I feel so bad and dont want to break her heart because I know that it will devastate her badly. Im so confused as to what to do. Im sorry for the long story but dont know what to do and all advice is very much appreciated. O I met my wife when I was 17 years old and we got married about 6 months later right after I turned 18. Im now 26 and dont like pulling all of the weight and being controlled. I cant even go play pool with my friends that will cause a big argument. Im so lost I really want to leave but dont want to crush her heart and ruin her life but at the same time its killing me inside and ruing mine. What to do? Link to post Share on other sites
Majormisstep Posted March 6, 2015 Share Posted March 6, 2015 You've been unhappy in your marriage for a long time because you two were so incredibly young entering into the "til death do you part commitment". Now two kids later and boy oh boy this lifestyle is dragging you down. If your wife started helping around the house more would that make you love her again? Probably not. Counselling might help but you seem to already have your course set for this high school sweetheart. Divorce your wife before you cheat on her. At least give her that much. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Author sittinontheinside Posted March 6, 2015 Author Share Posted March 6, 2015 Yes I do agree with you on this. No I would not cheat on her. I want to be straight foward with her. I agree I got married to young. I was 18 and she was 26. My head is just all confused as to what to do because I want my kids to be in a good enviroment but with both parents. I honestly wanted to try and stick it out until they were grown. But as you said this life style is dragging me down fast and Im just ready to get out. I do still care for her thats what makes it so hard to tell her I want to go. I dont know the best way to tell her I want a divorce and there probably isnt one. Thank You for your comment it has opened my eyes up. Thanks.. Link to post Share on other sites
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