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Keirsey Temperament Sorter


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Hello all,


For those of you who haven't taken this test, I strongly recommend going to www.keirsey.com and doing the 70 question test. It blew me away.


It really told me a lot about the person I am. I fit a personality (idealist healer) only present in about 1% of the world's population.


The test will describe you as one of four personalities, you then can scroll down the page and read about the four subgroups within each of these and find out what you really are.


There is additional information about temperaments in realtionships if you further peruse the page.


Love to know what you all think!!!



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....it tells me i am an 'artisan' (35-40% of the population). i haven't sent away for which of the four categories of artisan i fall into, but just reading the description i noted a few particular things that nailed my personality on the head:-


* impulsive


* can be generous to a fault


* free to do what they wish, when they wish


* trust their impulses....


it's a very insightful test, oliver. i do agree with what they say - "It's best to view your test results as a tool to understanding yourself rather than as a definitive answer." the overall picture of an artisan paints them as somewhat footlose and fancy-free. i'm definitely that to an extent, but quite opposite when it comes to relationships. i love stability, although you wouldn't think it to read the profile of an artisan.


i'm interested to know oliver, what are the characteristics of an idealist healer? it sounds rather interesting and different personality types fascinate me.


it will be interesting to see what other people's results are!

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I feel very rejected. My test results said I should come back and take it again when I had a better attitude.

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Bobby Dygytul

I have filled it out 3 times and everytime, the test results times out on me. It either my T1 line messing up or it just didn't want to give me any results.



I feel very rejected. My test results said I should come back and take it again when I had a better attitude.
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I have answered this personality questionnaire several times in the past, with several years passing between each assessment.


My problem is, every time I answer it, I come out with a different personnality type!


Just call me Mr. Multiple-Personallity

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