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I want to contact him...


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I can't stop thinking about this guy. We were acquaintances, I mean, we were friends, but we didn't hang out a lot, here and there. Months could go by without us speaking or seeing each other. But when we did hear from one another it was nice. We never were intimate until 1 year after we met. After we slept together, I began to have intense feelings for him, and I wanted to date him. He too said he was interested in dating me, but then shortly after, he told me he was seeing someone else, and im asking him for more than a friendship, which he doesn't want.



I miss him. We had such passion and connection the last time we saw each other. I think we would have been amazing together. I would like to contact him, but im scared. I'm shy to begin with, and rejection is hard for me. I don't even like dating unless it's with someone who is worth it, and for me, he was worth it. I don't even know what I would say if I contacted him? The last time we spoke was about the fact that each of us wanted something different, he wanted her, and I wanted to be with him, and in the process our friendship is lost. im sad, and I want to either forget about him completely, or be with him, but how?



I wish I didn't sleep with him, I wish that we were still friends, and that I didn't feel so hurt, sad. seriously, there is a sting in my heart, and im afraid that I will not be with someone whom I really like, therefore I will be alone. I sincerely thought this person was so right for me, and that I was right for him. Who knows maybe in 10 years it will happen, but maybe not at all. life omg, can be so painful, and unfair. Do I contact him?

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I'm sorry this is so painful for you. Once you know someone doesn't feel that same way about you, though, the reality is that no matter what you thought about him being perfect for you and vice versa, it wasn't true. You didn't know him well enough to know that you were not perfect for him, that's all. But he knows it. Sounds like at first he was interested but then lost interest. I think you'll only prolong your hurt and moving forward by continuing to try to communicate with him.

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Thank you. I appreciate your reply, that was so nice of you. My stomach is in knots right now. It's too bad he lost interest, but who knows maybe I would have lost interst in him too down the road, so maybe it all happened for a reason. im not sure anymore, I just want to forget about him, and feel amazing with myself.

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I know what it feels like to want someone who wants someone else. But I promise you'll be fine. He chose her and didn't choose you. Well, now it's time for you to choose yourself. Stop waiting for him to choose you. Don't chase him hoping that he will choose you one day. Choose yourself today. You can't make anyone do that for you. You can't make anyone love or choose you but you can love and choose yourself.


Oh and another note, be careful who you sleep with. At the end of the day, it is your body and it is your life. But sex is not just sex (no matter what ppl say). You're sharing your body and (very likely) your soul as well with someone else. Just be careful, that's all I can say. If you ask me, I'd say sex is a big deal so be careful who you share your body with.



All the best though. Don't give up on trying to move on. I promise you, as time goes on, things will get better and you will feel much better. Don't give up.

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If he's still.on your mind you need to contact him dating. Or you're just going to sit there and stew over him. If you make contact he might end up giving you yet another negative rejection which might help you sour a little more and move on, or maybe he's broken up with her by now and you can get together and get him out of your system.


Either scenario works better than just daydreaming about him all day.

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