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Asking for a Long Break from Work?

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Hi everyone,

I have had depression for years. I've been on medication to treat it for 5 years. And while it does help things a lot, i still believe that i'm doomed. Because I still get overwhelmed in my life, have these bouts of anxiety and feelings of hopelessness. I truly believe that medication or no medication it wouldn't be possible to feel 100% perfect anyway.

My problem at the moment is that lately I've been wanting to take days off work because of my low mood and anxiety. And while i haven't given into the idea yet ...(I haven't missed a day of work so far), I still think that maybe it would be a good idea to ask? I work long 12 hour shifts in a fast paced job. I'm up all night dreading work the next day. I'm afraid that soon I'll be in the middle of my work shift and i will have a breakdown. That is how low i am feeling. I am sorry to vent my emotions so darkly here but i have been struggling for so long now and i would appreciate others opinions on this matter. Should I ask for time off work? A few weeks perhaps.

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Don't ask and don't tell them any reasons you need a break.


See a doctor and get a medical leave of absence as ordered by a physician. Better chance of having a job to return to...

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Check on the policies of where you work. At my company, employees are allowed up to 12 weeks Leave of Absence or Medical Leave. Of course, medical leave goes over better, but leave of absence works just the same.


We recently had an employee with the same issues and she took the whole 12 weeks off. The only two issues if that they deduct the time you take from your vacation first, and then it is unpaid leave.

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