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Having a bad morning

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If you don't mind, Kenmore, I got a counter-intuitive method for Lionheart's 4th child, that seems to be in need of behavior modification. How do you treat a child that acts like this? Do you cry, get sad, and worry? Heck, no. He is being a little Narcissistic brat, and manipulating LH with anger. The technique for this overgrown baby is simple:


Tell him to get the h-ll out, and give ya a call when he grows up.


Then, go about your business - and stop the pity party - you are feeding his "narcissistic supply." This is the classic Narcissistic dance when the spouse has finally been beaten down so far, they start losing their confidence. You have to learn what is going on here, and pull it together, LH.


Here is the source of many U-Tube videos by THE expert in these matters, Sam Vaknan. There are at least 100 of these, on all dimensions of what LH is dealing with. LH - please, go look at these videos - and you will see yourself.


There are only two choices. Live a certain life and play up to this sick personality (and the Sam Vaknin videos will show you how), or get away (and, too - the videos will tell you why, although it is the hardest bond to break once you have been sucked in to this construct, especially with a family). But you can take control, measures, and have awareness of what is happening.


Dr. Sam Vaknin writes very difficult material, and uses very sophisticated, psychiatric language. He is not the easiest guy to follow. It took me over 2 years to digest his book "Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited." He admits, in his book, that he too, is a Narcissist - and I believe it. In my opinion, it is completely unnecessary to use so much jargon and multiple adjectives for certain points and messages that he is speaking of. But, if you can get a grip, he pretty much begins just repeating himself -actually. Don't even get the book, it is a $75 convoluted nightmare - the videos are much clearer, and are broken down concept by concept. There is a nice series you can look up on-line called "The Dance Macabre: Sam Vaknin," which is a nice organized site of a series of 20 or so short videos in a particular order.


I'll try to put some links onto Pinned Critical Readings Section on this matter when I get my computer up. I hope it is ok, I shared this here, Kenmore. It is good general knowledge to have, I think you will enjoy it too. Yas


P.S. EDIT: I just posted 12 links to videos in the Pinned Critical Readings thread.

Edited by Yasuandio
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