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I never use to have a problem at all with interviewing however this time around i'm really struggling.


I think i've become too informal during the interview that it is to my detriment.


Does anybody has any advice on do's & don'ts for job interviews? I'm really struggling to find a job at the moment!!

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Are you really a Tory? :) Is blue getting your vote come the general election?

Well, as someone who is also struggling to get a job and really hates her current one, I have been told by my therapist to remain positive in interviews.

It is hard though :(


Not sure what you are applying for but try and centre your answers around what the company is all about. For example, I wasn't gushing about how desperate I am to provide excellent customer service and how much I want to help people in my last customer service interview...so am sure that is why I failed.

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Just be yourself, but stay professional. Make sure you handshake, dress well and come prepared with a list of interview questions. Google search has some good suggestions. Most importantly stay confidence and let it show. Be proud of the experience you have and find a way to show the interviewer how your experience applies to the position.

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