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10 months in and bam. Wtf???


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Long story short, I am former military, raised as a ward of the state due to parental issues overseas, and have always lived an interesting life. If I didn't have evidence of everything I have said I have done you would be prone to think that 1/2 of what I say is an exaggeration.


In the past I have had relationships whose family members have got involved because they considered me sketchy. Although never have I done anything sketchy at all. Besides never talk about my job in the military honestly -classified- or what I have done besides saying, disabled by a pot -iEd-, suffered tbi and multiple scars, and this is enough to arouse issues. Which generally even before hand I have full documentation of which I show to those who I have a relationship with. They understand my history and generally it goes from there that I must be a bad person. Especially since I always am secretive. I tend to not trust people since my ex wife's dad has caused a lot of drama for me. He works for the state department and is an attorney. In the past I have had to put a restraining order on him due to his conduct. Both to protect myself and those around me.


Well I started another relationship and told the girl after a few months my history, she thought jokingly I was b.sing until I showed her proof. And things were working well. Until I let her mother in. After we moved in together many months later, I asked her to have me off the lease since I don't really wish to be haunted by my ex fil, she understood, we did this and agreed not to tell anyone. Since it would cause drama -which I understand why it would-. I don't use credit, I have a full time business I run, and am pretty successful. I have a clean record, and no unlawful containers against me, just I am very secretive.


Well the problem is my gf has a tendency to lie and hide things from me. I have caught her many times doing just that and have warned her. Finally things got bad on the eve of our anniversary. She came home, said she talked with her mom and was acting strange. I caught her the next day in the massive lie. She admitted her mother had called her, said how wonderful I am and how I take great care of her but that my background is sketchy. She is afraid I am hiding from people and didn't believe my story about how horrible my ex fil is. Of course I am hiding from people. My ex f.i.l. My gf feels miserable that she didn't stick up for me by hiding the fact I dont wanna leave a foot print for him to find and then lying to me about it.


All things aside, I have never hit, hurt, or done anything bad towards any of them and never will. I pamper her, I take care of her mother by bringing roses, spending time, and enabling the whole family to get together. And never ask for anything. Nor do I fib, nor will. I honestly feel that being honest is the best policy.


What should I do? I had a talk with her about how I felt. And that we need counseling, and that we need to make some massive changes. I moved out and paid for All the bills plus rent. Said we need to fix things and I know she is hurting.

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