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Does he like me!!!!!!!!!!!!READ!:)

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Ok i met this guy at the pool yesterday, i was laying down alone but a girl i know from the dorms was there, and she then called me over to kick it with her and her friends. So there was this guy there and he was so cute!! He kept asking me questions, like "whats your major?", "what kinda music do u like?" "Do you play any sports?"


Unfortunately i was nervous so i would answer stupid..ahhh!!! And i couldnt even come up with my own questions to ask. Well then everyone left and it was just him and me so hes like u wanna go, and im like ya. Because it was getting cold and stuff. I thought he would tell me to check out his room. See we all live in dorms and we were at the pool were the dorms are at. But he just sais what r u doing today and i said "hang out with friends"..and he's like cool. Then he sais ok "ill come visit u some time" and im like "ok and gave him my room #" then he hugged me goodbye.


Hmm..so do u think he might like me? see i feel pathetic cuz i answered stupid cuz i was nervous, i think hes so cute!!!

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He seemed interested. You won't really know though, until he makes a point of acting on that interest. Give it time and see what happens.

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