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Breast Development

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it's so wierd becuase i was thinking the same thing. will my boobs get bigger? im a 34A, but the wierd thing is, my boobs look like i was born with implants. haha. they're perky as hell, and round...they come out insead of down. im 18, 19 in 2 months...i hope they dont start to sag as i get older. im hoping if they do grow, which i think they are, they grow out instead of down. does anyone think this is possible?

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Like you, I had small titties til I began to put on weight - I was a 34b for years.


Now, ten years later I am a whopping 48dd! And i love my big boobs......as does my partner.

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Originally posted by emobebe726

i hope they dont start to sag as i get older. im hoping if they do grow, which i think they are, they grow out instead of down. does anyone think this is possible?


I'm nearing mid-20s and mine just grew bigger recently, and I didn't put on weight to get there. I have no idea how it happened but I went from a 34A to a 36A/34B (they're about the same). I used to barely fill out the 34A, and now I'm spilling over it! yay!! :D

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I would have thought that the explanation for increased breast sizes at an advanced age are birth control pills, pregnancy, other deviant hormonal changes or weight gain. Otherwise I can't imagine why the growth of breasts should continue ad infinitum when all the other growth processes have stopped.

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I'm not on the pill (but probably should be..), not pregnant and if you mean 'horny' when you say 'deviant hormonal changes' well that could be it. ;)


I don't really know why my boobs grew but I'm not complaining either! ;)

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That's great that ur boobs are growing still, & u dont have a tummy like mine!!! (well, a pot belly is a better description!).


My friend from college is a 32a, but when she went on the pill they blossomed at a fierce rate.


i have read too that tweaking on the nipples & massaging the boob can increase ur bust size, so maybe that has been part of the reason for my increase from 34b to 48dd! :D

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Originally posted by sarah12

I'm not on the pill (but probably should be..), not pregnant and if you mean 'horny' when you say 'deviant hormonal changes' well that could be it. ;)

I simply threw everything abnormal in this group. :p Like, tumors, side effects of medication, external uptake from your environment over an extended period of time, etc. Being 'horny' is a tad troubling, but the impact on your hormonal balance is probably not enough to make your breasts grow. :p

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Hi kooky!


I know that feeling horny & massaging/tweaking of boobs isn't the reason my boobs grew so much ! lol


I was merely pointing out that I had READ that somewhere. But hey, wot a way to try to get 'em bigger, eh ?!!!!


By the way, the first part of your message didnt make sense to me! Not 2 worry - it's not important - no need to reply.

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Don't believe people when they say you can't grow them cos I have. Take fenugreek tablets as well as a women's multivitamin tablet that has either wild yam or black cohosh in it. If it has both of those herbs then that's even better. You can get these things at your local chemist for less than $30. You do have to be patient though, as it takes about 4 months to see results but then anything instant would be nothing less than silicone. My small breasts have grown and they're still growing so try that before you consider getting implants.


My mother always told me during highschool that having small breasts was something I'd have to get used to. Unfortunately she forgot to tell me that no-one else, particularly males, do not find small breasts visually stimulating. But since I'm now starting to properly fill out my bras, all I can say to you is keep trying and don't take no for an answer. I actually found this solution by going to other forums, particularly international ones and seeing what tips and advice women from other cultures had to offer and I can tell you that the west places a little too much faith in science and not enough faith in natural alternatives.

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Well said, Wazflat.


I didn't realise those particular remedies increased boob size as such, though knew that Fenugreek could help induce lactation.


Re "Unfortunately she forgot to tell me that no-one else, particularly males, do not find small breasts visually stimulating", isn't always the case. Some men do prefer small boobs - small, teenybopper boobs could fulfil many a man's fantasies !!!! yes, really !


And big boobs aren't the be all and end all - believe me, I have had small ones, and (as at present) biggggggg ones !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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