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To hold on or let go

Hurting bad

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Hurting bad

I still love my ex. We still have intermittent contact, and given our circle of friends, she wants to stay friends. We never became friends as we met and said goodbye 3 years later. I have found out over time that she has a lot of serious issues from her past that has given her a very cold heartless abusive way in a relationship. She is off work now and has started seeing someone to deal with her past. I still love her though very much and want to be a friend as she has a very small circle of people she trusts. Or do I view all the damage done through the relationship. And now that I know I was in a relationship with a damaged girl does that change the way I look at her?

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You should focus on yourself and take care of yourself.


You are 100% percent responsible for yourself.


Your responsibility for her is 0%.


Time to move on.

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