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Love is so different. How can something that is inside of you have so much of an impact on your well-being? I just don't get it. How come you can feel it inside, but you don't know where it comes from?


This is the most love I have felt in my entire life towards my girlfriend. I find myself thinking about her all the time and wishing that she would get back from spring break so that we could spend time together.


I almost find myself crying sometimes when I think of her. It is just an overwhelming feeling that I have never experienced before!


I am really feeling that now and I just wanted to let it out because it feels better because I can't tell her now because she is hundreds of miles away. :(


To all of you guys that have felt this OVERWHELMING feeling before, cherish it because it such a wonderful feeling! :)

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...now i have john lennon's "love" in my head. what a great song...yer making me feel mushy, and the closest thing i have to be mushy with is a teddy bear! haha!


I can't tell her now because she is hundreds of miles away. :(


...but absence makes the heart grow fonder! :)


To all of you guys that have felt this OVERWHELMING feeling before, cherish it because it such a wonderful feeling! :)


it is a great feeling to love someone so deeply. it makes you glow - especially when it is returned. i hope your girlfriend cherishes you as much as you cherish her :)

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....in plato's 'the symposium', socrates and his fellow philosophers discuss the nature of love while having a bit of a party. the athenian men decided to discuss the topic of love to avoid another night of heavy drinking.


they instead choose, according to eryximachus, to "spend our evening in conversation." one of the men complained that no one had composed a hymn to love, and thus the conversation begins.....a very interesting, no doubt, philosophical read if you're interested.

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When you are really in love with this girl, you will be filled with joy in your heart that she is able to have a wonderful time on Spring Break and you will have no thoughts of how she may lose control and do things with other guys, as you have previously expressed in a post.


True love does not possess the beloved. You will be truly in love when you know your girl is always in your heart and never leaves you, no matter where she is, no matter how long and no matter what she is doing.


You are missing her now and that is normal. Deep feelings of real love are concerned only for the welfare and happiness of the beloved.


I'm quite sure what you are feeling is love but sometimes we have to fine tune it to get it right. If everybody felt true love for their significant other, there would be far less pain when the object of their love moved on.


The absense of ever having had the opportunity to love that person, of ever having experienced a great love, should be of far more concern that their being away, leaving or of their finding someone else.


Sometimes I weep for all of those I could have really loved but didn't because I didn't have the nerve to make an approach or, even much worse, because I was not ready to release from my heart someone I loved who had long departed physically.

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Bobby Dygytul

It is definately a WONDERFUL feeling, but let me warn you, it can be devistating also. I dated i girl for 2 years one time and i was totally head over heels in love with her, We was gona get married and everything was really good, then BAM!!!!!!!! She dumped me one day for another guy. All my love that i had for her had come back and smashed me in the face. I felt like my heart was ran over by a huge truck. It took me months and months before i could ever date again. Im now in a relationship with a wonderful girl and i really enjoy being with her, but i will always have that fear of having to go through something like that again. Thats why i keep a wall up that keeps me from going past a certain point, until i know 100% that she's the one for me. Love is really funny sometimes, i have a friend that is so totally in love with a girl. The problem is, she cheats on him and everything and he wont leave her. It makes me so mad to see him like that, but i can do nothing but be his friend. Every time i tried saying something, he say "i love her too much to ever leave her" Some people in this world lets love totally control them to where they can't even realize true normal reality. Well i just thought i would share that with you.


Good luck!!!

Love is so different. How can something that is inside of you have so much of an impact on your well-being? I just don't get it. How come you can feel it inside, but you don't know where it comes from? This is the most love I have felt in my entire life towards my girlfriend. I find myself thinking about her all the time and wishing that she would get back from spring break so that we could spend time together. I almost find myself crying sometimes when I think of her. It is just an overwhelming feeling that I have never experienced before! I am really feeling that now and I just wanted to let it out because it feels better because I can't tell her now because she is hundreds of miles away. :( To all of you guys that have felt this OVERWHELMING feeling before, cherish it because it such a wonderful feeling! :)
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Thanks guys! I know that love is a special thing and I know that it sometimes burns you, just like this girl did abotu 4 months ago when she broke it off with me.


The reason I am feeling the way I do is because at first I was worried that she was going to go down there and do something that I disapproved of, but our situation is a little rocky.


Who am I to say what she can and can't do because she said that we are not "boyfriend/girlfriend" yet. I really don't know how to explain the rest unless you have read my previous posts.


She called me the day that she got down there and also just called me on Tuesday saying all the things that they have done and telling me that now that she talked to me, she wants to come home. :) That made me feel good. I really hope things work out with me and her and that she will get her head on straight as to what she wants to do with her life.


If, unfortunately, for some reason, she decides that she is better off without me then I guess the old saying goes, "It is better to have loved than to never have loved at all". I definately love this girl more than anything in the world and I know that she does I. She just needs to straighten some things out.


Tony, all you give me is negative information. I DO love this girl more than anything in the world and I know that I do need to fine tune some things, but who doesn't? I just felt very much in love last night and I just had to express it in some way.


Thank you all for listening to me. :)



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FIRST YOU WRITE: "The reason I am feeling the way I do is because at first I was worried that she was going to go down there and do something that I disapproved of, but our situation is a little rocky."


THEN YOU WRITE: "Tony, all you give me is negative information."


I have reviewed my post and found it to be quite nice. I didn't even find anything in it that anyone could interpret as negative.


That you are relieved that your beloved did not go to Spring Break and do all the things you had imagined is a good thing and I am glad for you. My post to you addressed that very kindly in my opinion but I have to understand that all persons are in the place they are supposed to be and they may not be ready to consider other ways of thinking.


My post still stands. If you define negative information as anything you don't want to read or hear, well...I can't define that for you.

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did these feelings of love come before or after you worried that your doll would dirty dance with other guys?


be careful thinking it's love. that feeling. it could just be mild indigestion. maybe constipation. if you burp or fart you'll know.


you should write cards for Hallmark

Love is so different. How can something that is inside of you have so much of an impact on your well-being? I just don't get it. How come you can feel it inside, but you don't know where it comes from? This is the most love I have felt in my entire life towards my girlfriend. I find myself thinking about her all the time and wishing that she would get back from spring break so that we could spend time together. I almost find myself crying sometimes when I think of her. It is just an overwhelming feeling that I have never experienced before! I am really feeling that now and I just wanted to let it out because it feels better because I can't tell her now because she is hundreds of miles away. :( To all of you guys that have felt this OVERWHELMING feeling before, cherish it because it such a wonderful feeling! :)
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I know that it is true love. I have always felt this way towards her, but now that she has been gone for awhile, it is more prevalent. She is coming home on Saturday and I am excited. I can't wait until we can do something again.

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That will be super when she's home. Maybe for something exciting but not too heavy duty, you could offer to get her pictures from her trip developed. Then you can check out the pictures of her dirty dancing, doing the lambada, doing the horizontal polka and other such traditional dances. Isn't love grand.

I know that it is true love. I have always felt this way towards her, but now that she has been gone for awhile, it is more prevalent. She is coming home on Saturday and I am excited. I can't wait until we can do something again.
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