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It stinks phen-fen was harmful, it was the only thing that worked for me

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Want 2B Thin Again

I was on phen-fen several years ago. It was the only thing that worked for me. It took me only 4 months to loose 30 lbs and I was back to my ideal weight. A year later, and not watching what I ate, I gained it all back like and idiot! If I would of continued eating right I wouldn't of gained it all back. With my busy schedule I never had time to exercise. My first priorty was my children and my job (which was a lot of hours). I have very poor willpower. I am always hungry, either because I am depressed (taking anti-depressants but doesn't help w/ not wanting to eat)or bored. Counting calories is a PITA! I go to fitday but barely have enough time to even go there and put in all the foods I eat. I tried a new diet pill to help my appetite but read several reviews on it and a lot of the reviews weren't good so I just waisted my money, yet again, on a diet pill that wont work.

I want to start walking again but the weather hasn't been very good (raining a lot).


How do you control your appetite if you have don't have much willpower?

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Stay away from pills. Sure some might work for losing weight, but could cause other problems. Plus it is an expensive temporary solution.


Willpower is overrated. It tells you to change your external eating patterns without changing internal thoughts. Thus you have to fight yourself constantly to see who will win out.


Things that will decrease appetite naturally:

- Drinking H20

- Redistribution of your meal plans to smaller meals 5-6 times a day (since you are on the go, you may check into meal replacement shakes/drinks/bars, but still try to go the natural foods route when possible)

- Fruits and Veggies as snacks

- Exercise (for most people, though not all)


Thoughts that you should keep in mind regarding appetite -

- Eat until you are satisfied, not until you are full, and certainly not until you can't eat anymore. Your body does a good job of telling you when it needs food. Pay attention to when during a meal you are no longer hungry and not when you can't stuff another fry into your mouth.

- Restaurant portions are enormous these days and have nearly doubled from what they were not that long ago.

- Whatever you do, don't take an all or nothing approach. Allow yourself to cheat once in a while and get back to your plan. Or actively schedule cheat days where you can eat a burger or pizza or whatever you want, but again, don't stuff yourself.

- If you are good at setting goals and reaching them, fine, do it. But keep the bigger goal in mind of finding what you can do to eat healthier for the rest of your life, not just one or two months.

- Eat a balanced diet. No one ever looks at the food pyramid, yet it is one of the best diets out there.


After a while, when you have developed knowledge about which foods are reasonably healthy and which are not, you can throw any calorie counter in the trash.

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1. Try to prolong the hungry hours; postpone the meal. When you're hungry, you're losing weight.

2.When you sit down to eat, put the food you plan to eat on the plate and don't go back for more.

3. If you drink something while eating, you will eat less.

4. Prepare food that is low in calories.

5. Understand that you don't have to lose 30 lbs in 4 months. You can go down by 4 lbs per month. In that case, you will not only not be starving, but you won't re-gain the weight.

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Phentermine is legal and still on the market here in my state. It's regulated by the FDA and I think they only recommend that you take 5 weeks at a time of it. I'm on it now. :) Check into your area and see if there's a doctor's diet prescription program.


I've also learned about Hoodia, you may want to Google it.


Good luck!

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Originally posted by RecordProducer

When you're hungry, you're losing weight.


That true??? Cause when you're hungry I thought your body holds onto the fat/calories it has because it's in "starvation mode" and has no way of knowing when it will be fed again.

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A friend of mine had a problem with finding time to do excercise and bought herself an excercise bike. She actualy got this roller thing that you can attach a normal bike onto and make it into a stationary bike to save money. She used to set aside 30minutes in the evening to watch TV or listen to radio and ride it, and it helped her.


If you can fit excercise into your day then make sure you vary it.


Drinks lotsa water - often when we think we are hungry its really thirst - I have a constant 1L bottle of water by my desk and take a few gulps from it every so often..sue I gotta pee more, but I prefer that to snacking on a biscuit or having a coke.


Take the stairs. Walk to the corner store. I know everyone says it - but every single calorie you burn up counts - and it makes your set excercise even more valuable.


Boredom make you hungry - at work I'll often stand up, walk to the kitchen, and walk back without taking anything..because I know im not hungry..but I just need to do something to get my mind off work.



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I don't think you should ever be hungry, but you should never be stuffed either. Instead of 3 large meals throughout the day, eat "mini-meals" every 3 to 4 hours (5 to 6 meals total). Each meal should be between 200 and 350 calories. For example, a 300/350-calorie meal could be oatmeal and raisins with skim milk, or a ham and cheese sandwich (low-calorie bread and fat-free cheese) with one serving of baked chips and no-calorie tea. A dinner might be 1/2-cup brown rice with vegetables and 3 oz. of skinless chicken. A 200-calorie meal/snack might be an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter, a fruit-and-yogurt smoothie, or 5 crackers with mozzarella sticks with red grapes.


For 350 calories you can have a HUGE salad, with lots of greens and vegetables, some crumbled hard boiled egg, and a light or fat-free dressing.


I've heard a good formula that has worked for me--rate your hunger on a scale of 0 to 10, 0 being absolutely about-to-pass-out starving and 10 being so-stuffed-you-can't move. On a mini-meal plan, you should never allow your hunger level to get below a 3 or above a 7. That is, eat something as you approach a "3" and stop eating as you approach "7." If you ever feel ravenous, you've waited too long to eat and if you ever feel stuffed, you've eaten too much.


If you eat this way for the long-term, you'll be guaranteed to lose weight.


Also, with such an eating schedule, it's important to allow yourself some occasional leeway--a few times a month, eat a little lighter during the day and go out to your favorite restaurant or make your favorite meal that evening. Once a month, you might try taking a break from mini-meals and eating what you like (although you might find that eating large meals, after you're used to the small ones, makes you a bit nauseated). Don't go wild, but you can eat a little heavier than you would normally every once in a while. It's important to stay flexible!


And I agree about staying away from diet pills--they're too dangerous and unpredictable to mess with.

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Also, you mentioned willpower. Willpower is a myth (in my opinion), and people believe they either have it or they don't. If you believe in willpower, I think you will continue to fail to lose weight.


Replace the term "willpower" with "choice." You either choose to eat something or you choose not to. The next time you're faced with a situation when you are tempted to overeat or eat something you know you shouldn't, don't fall back on "weak willpower" as an excuse. Say to yourself, "I have a choice here--and I can choose NOT to eat this."


Then, wait 15 minutes. Tell yourself that after 15 minutes, if you still want whatever it is, you can have it. But choose to wait. If after 15 minutes, you still want it, then you need to CHOOSE to go ahead and eat it. Most of the time, you'll find that if you just make the right choice when the cravings or impulses hit, waiting those 15 minutes makes all the difference. You won't want it anymore AND you'll feel so proud that you made the right choice when it counted.

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