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I want my Ex back!!!!

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i'm 22 yrs old and my fiance is 24.we were suppose to get married in Aug.he's stationed in missouri and i live in minnesota.i've known him my whole life but we've been involved for about 5 mths. to make a long story short i broke it off because he started acting strange.we weren't communicating, we werent connecting or anything and i had the strongest feeling that he was cheating.i didn't think b4 breaking up with him and now i want him back but he said he needs time 2 think if he wants this relationship or not.


He also said he's gonna give me a second chance if i work on my attitude and i have decided i'm gonna go for counciling just cos i want my relationship to work. he says he still wants to be with me and nobody else but i'm afraid that by the time i'm thru with my counceling he's not gonna be there for me.i'm afraid. breaking up with him was the dumbest thing i've ever done and i've told him i'm sry but he says we can't get together now.


I miss him so much and i can't stand loosing him to another woman. plz give me some advice as in what 2 do.i'm hurt and i know itz ma fault i've admitted that.

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hey, renill. if i were you, i'd just let him go and move on. he's obviously uncertain, and you are totally worthy of him being sure he wants to be in a relationship with you.


you're 22, and have your whole life ahead of you. you say you spent 5 months together, and you had to break up b/c there was no communication and no connection. why is it that YOU have to fix your attitude and go to counseling when HE is the one who won't communicate? you should not feel sorry for breaking up. you are where i was 4 years ago, and in hindsight, i should've moved along right then and saved myself the heartache that i ended up with 4 years later.


good luck, stay strong, and take things one day at a time.

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Hey girl. I totally feel for you the same exact situation happened with me. When he left we were amayzin , supose to get married then he started acting strangre I was so scared to leave him that it turned out horably. He got back home after 3 1/2 months of training and two days later I discovered he had been cheating on me. I am heart broekn to the max and totally wish I could just walk away from him. I know forgetting about him is the best thing I could do but it seems so immposible. I wish you luck and hoipe you are stronger then I am . <3 anica

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