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reponse to women having affairs

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I hope this is might do some good for Never have affair wiht a married man because they are only making afool of you they use you and hurt feeling,s and they don,t care when i was 14 in a half i started seeing my brother in law and it is the sorresty thing i ever done and i will alway regreat it i never had sex with him till i was 18 years old do,nt get me wrong because he tried very hard to change my mind and he nearly did a lot of times but we never did then in september the 1st we had sex it was all right i suppose so now we had sex i really thought he had feeling,s for me but i was wrong 6 days later he left for 2 monts but that was ok then in october he went to the pub and starded feling another women up or so i was told by a friend then a few weeks later he was back in town and then i heard his wife was pregant so i asked him and he said i have needs but i was think of you in october one day he said to me i love you i swear i do and it is getting wrose and he told me he loved me a few times since then i do,nt know why i put up with so much because i was telling myself that he had to have feeling for me but know i know i was wrong when i was 9 or 10 someone tried to rape me i dont know if they did or not they he put is penis up my backside and i never told any one about it only you and after all that i started sseeing my brother in law and then today i phoned him and asked him to meet me and he said no so i know what it is like to be used in every way possible so i hope this helps you to understand how inporton NEVER to have affair belive me it is not worth it in long run because you are the one who will get hurt. write back and give me your advice because i could do with some badly.

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It doesn't sound like you need advice at all. You have learned your lesson.


If you take calls from or meet your brother in law in person again, you deserve what you get. You are in for a great deal of heartbreak and pain in your life if you don't start conducting it with more morals and integrity.


Doing something like this to your own sister is unthinkable. You may have come from a family that received no moral education. Enroll in some religious training or befriend someone who can tell you some of the proper ways to conduct your life to keep you out of these kinds of situations.


I really don't think your sister deserves the kind of sister she has...a sister who would carry on with her husband.


And I don't think anybody deserves a brother or sister who would put everyone on the Internet through reading a post that only has one period after 19 lines and no paragraphs. That's worse than any kind of adultery, as far as I'm concerned. Reading stuff like that can be more blinding than masturbation.

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Interesting. I reply to "fool" and it is posted but 3 minutes later it is missing. Gone. Deleted. Removed. So who was the tattletale? They sure must have some good connections with the owner of this site. I find it hard to believe the site owner sits here all day looking for replies to remove. What I wrote was nothing but true. The whole story sounds like something that was made up or something for Jerry Springer. And 20 lines of typing and only one period creates for the world's longest run on sentence. And what exactly does "pregnate" mean? Nice to see that censorship is alive and well here.

I hope this is might do some good for Never have affair wiht a married man because they are only making afool of you they use you and hurt feeling,s and they don,t care when i was 14 in a half i started seeing my brother in law and it is the sorresty thing i ever done and i will alway regreat it i never had sex with him till i was 18 years old do,nt get me wrong because he tried very hard to change my mind and he nearly did a lot of times but we never did then in september the 1st we had sex it was all right i suppose so now we had sex i really thought he had feeling,s for me but i was wrong 6 days later he left for 2 monts but that was ok then in october he went to the pub and starded feling another women up or so i was told by a friend then a few weeks later he was back in town and then i heard his wife was pregant so i asked him and he said i have needs but i was think of you in october one day he said to me i love you i swear i do and it is getting wrose and he told me he loved me a few times since then i do,nt know why i put up with so much because i was telling myself that he had to have feeling for me but know i know i was wrong when i was 9 or 10 someone tried to rape me i dont know if they did or not they he put is penis up my backside and i never told any one about it only you and after all that i started sseeing my brother in law and then today i phoned him and asked him to meet me and he said no so i know what it is like to be used in every way possible so i hope this helps you to understand how inporton NEVER to have affair belive me it is not worth it in long run because you are the one who will get hurt. write back and give me your advice because i could do with some badly.
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I saw your earlier reply and it was probably removed because of the personal attack against "fool" characterizing her as a lady of ill repute, or "whore" as your post stated.


I agree that many of the posts here sound as if they're made up but truth is stranger than fiction sometimes. The post by "fool", while it may contain a number of spelling and grammar errors, is certainly within the bounds of possibility, in my opinion. I have seen much worse.


People with limited grammar and spelling abilities are still human beings and worthy of respect. Yes, it would be awful nice for "fool" to learn sentence structure and paragraphs but if I had to prioritize my desires for an ideal world, there would be many things ahead of this issue.


It's probably best to ignore the posts you feel are bizarre rather than attacking the poster, just on the outside possibility that your judgement may be in error and the poster may indeed be in great need of help or advice.


All the best to you.

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puhleez. i didn't call her a whore. I spoke of her behavior--whoring around with her brotherinlaw. Should we all give her a standing ovation? What else would you call someone who sleeps with her own sister's husband, a Saint? As for this person being in great need of help or advice, do you really think someone who betrays their own sister by sleeping with her husband can be helped in a place like this? do you think any of us are going to convince her that what's she's doing is immoral? someone who does something like that needs to see a shrink. if you want to devote your time trying to make her see the light that what she's doing is wrong, knock yourself out. if someone is old enough to sleep around with their brotherinlaw, they should be old enough to know that you add some punctuation. if you want to defend outright stupidity, go for it. St TOny.

I saw your earlier reply and it was probably removed because of the personal attack against "fool" characterizing her as a lady of ill repute, or "whore" as your post stated. I agree that many of the posts here sound as if they're made up but truth is stranger than fiction sometimes. The post by "fool", while it may contain a number of spelling and grammar errors, is certainly within the bounds of possibility, in my opinion. I have seen much worse. People with limited grammar and spelling abilities are still human beings and worthy of respect. Yes, it would be awful nice for "fool" to learn sentence structure and paragraphs but if I had to prioritize my desires for an ideal world, there would be many things ahead of this issue. It's probably best to ignore the posts you feel are bizarre rather than attacking the poster, just on the outside possibility that your judgement may be in error and the poster may indeed be in great need of help or advice. All the best to you.
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...funny that some people have no hesitation in pointing out other peoples incorrect grammar or punctuation:-


And 20 lines of typing and only one period creates for the world's longest run on sentence.


i seem to have found 2 periods in the sentence (observe in the bold...)


..."belive me it is not worth it in long run because you are the one who will get hurt. write back and give me your advice because i could do with some badly."


although i'm not about to criticise someone's ability to count to two....

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