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she's not answering my calls

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met this girl and exchanged numbers. She called me to meet the other day and we had coffee. I told her I wanted to take her to see the Cirque de Soleil and she said anytime.


I called her like six times over the next few days to confirm the date but she has not answered. I know she's getting the calls and theirs caller ID. Write her off?


It's a weird one because she seemed genuinly interested and excited in me and I'm at a loss. I know she's in town and nothing is wrong with her.

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She liked you at first, but you freaked her out by leaving so many goddamn messages. You were no challenge whatsoever.


Yeah, DEFINITELY write this girl off, before she serves your @ss with a restraining order.

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After leaving a lady a message once or twice and not getting a message, you can usually presume she is either dead, in the hospital, out of town, or not interested.


If she wants, she will return the call. Having someone a lady has recently met call multiple times can be frightening to a lady or give her an indication the guy is either desperate or compulsive. She will not be attracted to that in any case.

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her cellular does not have voice mail activated so my calls just rang. I called her twice from home so she knew it was me. The other calls were from payphones.


We did after all agree to go to the circus the following week and once I got the tickets I had to call her to let her know right? Well, I ended up selling the tickets...

After leaving a lady a message once or twice and not getting a message, you can usually presume she is either dead, in the hospital, out of town, or not interested. If she wants, she will return the call. Having someone a lady has recently met call multiple times can be frightening to a lady or give her an indication the guy is either desperate or compulsive. She will not be attracted to that in any case.


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