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Am I crazy or what..My spouse has a lady friend..she's nice. She's more like a daughter to me or at least was. I think my spouse has a crush on her. I asked him and he said no.. One sat.morning we went out to breakfast, I didn't know my husband had paid for her and her daughter also. He still hasn't told me, I asked him about going out to breakfast again the next week.. we didn't go because she didn't go. I knew it would happen, I was hoping I was wrong.


But sometimes I catch him looking at her a certain way..sorta flirty. or when they talk on the phone he talks to her in a soft smooth voice..that's how I can tell it's her, sometimes he talks low so I can't hear what he's saying. One night he left his cell phone at home..he was at work. and she called for him at 2 am. she was surprised I answered the phone. She claimed she need someone to talk to, she had been drinking was feeling bad. But she didn't want to talk to me..she rushed me off the phone. I was trying to be compassionate because she just lost her dad a few months ago. But I'm cutting her a loose, but I know my husband won't.He always say I'm blowing things out of proportion.But don't think so, I guess it's my gut instinct.

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No you are NOT crazy, you are just protecting what's rightfully yours. I'm sure fresh meat over there is testing her waters with your spouse from time to time, however I dont think she's out to ruin anything between you. Your Man is just trying to be a nice guy; although he is showing suttle hints of a small smark with meat (Fresh Meat = Young Girl). Here's where you can either trust him, and wait this out OR tell him exactly how you feel about them; then cut off the communication.


Don't get me wrong though, if you tell him to cut off communication, you of course still trust him. It's just her being the skeptical person in this predicament where trust issues come into play.

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The answer to your question " Am'I creasy or what?" is a positive WHAT. You're not creasy at all. There's something going on here in between those two people.

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Yeah, I agree- the signs are all there.


It may be a accident- she admires him and looks up to him as a father figure and idolizes him in some way. This is flattering to him so they naturally move closer. The problem is that they are too close. For him to not have breakfast with his wife because this person didn't go?? Ummmmm no.


You need to draw the line in the sand here and stop this. You are not blowing this out of proportion- that is what all spouses say when they are cheating and their BS says something like what you said. It's smoke!

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Yeah, keep em open because this is an affair just waiting to happen...I wonder if it is possible to put a stop to something like this from progressing? If you say don't see her, won't he try to make a bigger effort to secretly see her, knowing that you are now in the know and suspicious?


Just don't bury your head in the sand as if everything is on friendly terms and will stay that way between those lovebirds. If he had not left his phone at home that night, they'd have phone sex maybe since she was drunk. Who knows how often they talk while he's at work, and about what at those hours...

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You're not crazy. He probably likes her, but if you think you can trust your husband, just don't sweat it. Talk to your husband and let him know that you don't like her constant presence in your lives and that where romantic emotions develop, there is no place for the person #3 in the marriage.

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