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Will it ever happen

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Here's the deal.


I broke up with my boyfriend about 2 and a half weeks ago. It was a pretty serious relationship. Well I told my self that I was not going to depend on a guy for my life. When I was dating this guy he was everything. I had no life outside of him. Therefore I broke things off. Well there is this guy whom I have known all of my life and I have always bee good friends with. Everytime we have seen each other we have always talked and acknowledged each other. Well He is a geat guy. and I would really like the opportunity to date him. But I don't want to be the one to get things started. I think that he should come up to me. One of my very good friends thinks that is will happen if I give it time. And I am good freinds with his family. And His dad thinks he stupid for not asking my out yet. I have always heard that he was really interested in me From several people. I always find him looking at me or catch him watching me. But the past week he hasen't said anything to me. I am just wondering if it means anything. One of my friends say that he might just be giving me time. and that it will happen just give it a while. Other one says that it is because I am intimidating and He probably dosen't want to get rejected But I really want to go out with him. I would love to date him. So he shouldn't worry about it, But does anyone think that this won't happen just from what I have said.


Please give me some advice!!!

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This isn't a problem... he obviously likes you, he hasn't spoken to you recently because he is too shy/nervous. Just go up and speak to him, he will realise you don't bite, and things will be fine.



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Be open to him and let him know you like his company. Unless he is as thick as a brick he will get the message and ask you.

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