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Advice please

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Your posts are inconsistent and do not make sense. When someone calls you on it you get angry and act like we don't want to help you.


If I thought your marriage was worth saving, I'd say so. Chances are, your preacher is going to be one to tell you to stay with him no matter what!


I'm glad your husband started going to church Easter and gave his life to Jesus. That's wonderful. I truly hope it works out for him and that he can change his life. Is he still screaming?? :confused:


I don't come here to judge anyone, merely give the opinion from the side of the fence I'm sitting on. We cannot know any facts that we aren't told about. As a survivor of sexual abuse, I'm surprised you tolerated even a suspicion of anything like that around your daughters. People who have been through that are highly sensitive to that matter, as you can tell from my posts.


You'd do alot better over on the other marriage site. We're not ones to blow smoke around here. :rolleyes:

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