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Are the signals right?

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Hi, I have been in a job training class with a funny cute 23 yr old guy. for about 3 weeks. I am a little shy at just asking him out and I dont know if he likes me or not. He gives off some vibes that confuse me. like he says my name in class to get me to turn around and then he has nothing to say. He pulls my chair with his feet. He says one of my pictures is pretty and his face turned red one time when I touched his chest on accident.By the way. He is built ladies!!!!!!!!Anyway I dont know how to read this. I would think by this behavior that he either likes me or just sees me as a good friend to goof off with and joke with durring class. I hope its the other way!!!!LOL


What does it sound like to you..What signs show that a guy is into a girl.....????????????? Thanks for any input.

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sounds like he likes you! wait until he is alone and then try chatting to him

Hi, I have been in a job training class with a funny cute 23 yr old guy. for about 3 weeks. I am a little shy at just asking him out and I dont know if he likes me or not. He gives off some vibes that confuse me. like he says my name in class to get me to turn around and then he has nothing to say. He pulls my chair with his feet. He says one of my pictures is pretty and his face turned red one time when I touched his chest on accident.By the way. He is built ladies!!!!!!!!Anyway I dont know how to read this. I would think by this behavior that he either likes me or just sees me as a good friend to goof off with and joke with durring class. I hope its the other way!!!!LOL What does it sound like to you..What signs show that a guy is into a girl.....????????????? Thanks for any input.
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As a 22 yr. old male with an immature streak a mile wide, I am extremely outspoken in public, yet VERY shy with the ladies, until I am REALLY comfortable with them. It sometimes takes me months of joking around and minor flirting before I gain the confidence to share any of my feelings with her. Unfortunately, this often proves to be too long, BUT...if I like her, and she is not too reluctant to make the first move, she will find out how I feel very soon! I guess some of us have a lack of confidence that doesn't show, but requires that we know without a doubt that she has at least a little bit of interest. Know this...if he likes you and you ask him out, you will soon forget how confusing his vibes were. If he's not into you like that, he probably won't hold a grudge, and you shouldn't have a problem remaining goof-off pals as long as you don't get embarassed about it. Play it off, he'll play right along with you. (In short, I'd say the signals are there.) Good luck!

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It sounds to me like he *is* interested, but is shy when it comes to making a move, so like we all did in highschool, he's trying to get you to notice him by being silly, making you laugh. I never did, nor will I probably ever, feel comfortable asking a guy out, particularly if I'm not sure how he feels......so this is what I'd do if I were you.


Next time he goofs around, pulls your chair with his feet, etc...slip him a joking note and tell him, "okay mister, you have been found guilty of 'acting up in class'......your detention is this: you must take me for a cappiccino (sp?)!! *smile*" ...you know, something along these lines..something joking, but something in which you're sorta asking him out but only for something casual......I'm betting he'd be quite tickled pink! Make sure though, that in the note, you really indicate that you're being funny, not 'giving him heck' lol


Well, that's what I'd do...but then again, I've always been a bit of a smarty pants *grin* (though a shy one)



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Hi Sabrina,


Laurynn's idea was pretty good.


Yes, if I guy acted that way I would think he likes you.


Flirt with him. You can make them very subtle and drive a man crazy. Let him catch you checking him out.


Look him up and down with your eyes, let him notice, and then let your eyes meet, and give him a smile.


You said he was built. That's great. I have not met a single guy that does not like to be complimented on his muscles. Pass by and casually squeeze his biceps and comment on how big and firm they are.


And don't be shy to say hi or smile at him when you two make eye contact. If you don't, he might get the idea that you're not interested and back off.


So if you just flirt with him and watch his reactions, you'll have a prettyy good idea if he's interested or not.



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