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My wife and I have been married 43 years this year. I am 60 and she is 59. In 2012 she went through radiation treatment for breast cancer and has a clean bill of health,however,she has a low estrogen level and because of the cancer risk cannot take any supplements. The problem that this is causing is even though I am still very interested in sex,her sex drive is gone,she does not get aroused...wet...anymore so our time together is getting less and less. She is very aware of this and is frustrated by this,but I don't see her doing anything to try and get herself aroused.Do any of you ladies on here have suggestions...such as toys,games,changing things up etc. that she or both of us could try to get her going. Is anyone else experiencing something like this that has found something...anything to light the fire. Thank-you all in advance

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I do not have advice as far as different tricks in the bedroom. But my aunt and uncle had similar problems, minus the cancer. What worked for he is she saw a local natural doctor. The treatments really helped. I am sure with your wife's medical condition there are some things she could take. Most conventional doctors do not push for natural medicine because it undermines their business. But I have seen it work first hand. On top of her body chemistry changing because of her age, her body has been through the ringer, it will take time to come back from it. Patience, education and putting her health (physical and mental) on track will help the other pieces to fall into place. And there is nothing sexier than a supportive husband who is willing to be patient with recovery. Good luck to you both..

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I too would suggest looking into bioidenticals.


As was noted above, it can be challenging finding a good practitioner to prescribe them and a good pharmacist that can mix them because they are not part of the mainstream pharmaceutical income stream that generates as much income for either physicians or pharmacists.

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I believe they are working on a female version of Viagra....just not ready for prime time yet. so look into that....maybe your doctor can get her in on the test trials.



with no hormones, she is NOT going to be thinking of sex or getting horny. but that does not mean you can not give her enjoyable orgasms. just realize she will NEVER initiate sex. you have to take the lead and initiate.


She may need a lot more foreplay to get into the mood. and may need a lot more lubricant than she used to.



Try stimulating her mind visually...like YOU dress up for her in sexy manly clothing. you play romantic movies to get her into the mood. etc.



bioidenticals...they are just hormones in seed form. I think they would be contraindicated for a cancer patient

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