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I Think She's Cheating,Help!

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I recently got back together with my ex girlfriend.Things were great for a while and then she had to move to florida.Things were still great for about two weeks after.We would talk on the phone and she would tell me how much she missed me and how much she loved me and how she couldn't wait for me to save enough money to move down. In her 2 letters that she wrote to me she said how she would never hurt me again and how she would never cheat on me.She even said she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me. Now she never has time to talkto me for more than 2 minutes and she hasn't written in almost two months. She says that she's always so busy and has no time to write,but then she tells me how she goes to baseball games and clubbing with her new friends. She even told me that tons of guys hit on her but she blows them off. I don't believe her. She's either always in a hury,too tired or just not there when I call. I think she's cheating on me or just has me out of sight out of mind. I don't want to go through the hurt again but I love this girl.Please someone help me!

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Women like to have "fun" but also like to appear as innocents. She may just be keeping you for a rainy day.


I think we know sub conciuosly when something is wrong.


If she is treating you right, you will know. If you have doubts, you are probably right.


When I felt my girlfriend was cheating on me I got screwed up. I found out I was correct, she was cheating. So I just saw a hooker and cleared my brain (is that all it takes?).


I think if more men did this women would cheat less.

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